Wednesday, April 29, 2009

FW: blog


 a world to change...this weekend is one of our COMMUNITY CHANGER WEEKENDS!

One hundred volunteers come out...

a bus load of West Point Cadets..come to Porach and the Ashburton corridor...

a bus load of Faith filled Holy Spirit led Christians on a bus from long island comes to help build in Yonkers

a group from Riverdale Presbyterian church comes on site.. to work with us...

this after Solomon Schecter and Bronxville High School last week worked so hard to help us!


with that in mind....we are changing the world..and in Yankee Stadium.. it is filled with Faith filled worshipers that Sat. Nite from the Joel Osteen group, who has also helped Habitat for Humanity...and Sunday I speak at a faith filled church in Somers...St. Lukes build with us, to help us, to help change the community....and build homes in Somers!


What a world we good Gods love is to us...Last nite as i looked in Yonkers..and drove through the neighborhoods praying and seeing where we would engage our community changers...i stopped at another home church Trinity Lutheran in the hollows,..Revs wife goes, can you help us to clean the acqueduct this weekend too..of course..

I have been blessed to be in Yonkers for ten years plus, and in New Rochelle and in Somers and in New Orleans and in S. Centtral LA...


Last yesterday we also addressed the Clearmont School in Ossining, what a great group they were...

fifth grade leaders, who want to change the world..who want us to be able to see a better world, they heard how to volunteer with vol. fire dept, with the food pantry with habitat...a shout out to John Gallagher as well.

who helped arrange it and Catherine Borgia there said, Jim help us ..lets get another home here..


come and chagne the world with us wont you!  make a world changers Donation today online ...and get your hearts your hands and your hammers ready...its HAMMER TIME....God bless...Jjk



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At the Claremont school in Ossining...a young boy goes! "I live in a Habitat Home!"  the whole group claps, he loves it!  God is good! I love my Home!  need I say more! 


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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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A meeting with Steve Otis, Mayor of Rye, Marianne Sussman of city council of new Rochelle and also Judy Meyers, county legislator on the radio show Iin New Rochelle, the flood problems, what has been accomplished as of this time…two years later, a thrity month study begins again…Home Rule, becomes the challenge…water from the flood knows no boundaries…everyone is working hard as of this time, no question, everyone is working hard to be able to see us move ahead and have the flood problems fixed, however there will be no resoutions if government doesn’t work together…in a good way, we are often the middle vehicle to bring process happening, to start cleaning rivers, to start helping make things move..Today I commit to update on our web site, info on the flood and what we can do as homeowners and advocates, to keep the problem getting fixed…here are some things that don’t get talked about often…like

Overdevelopment in White Plains, has the concrete surfaces and the malling out of WP caused rivers down county to overflow

Undermaintainance of our areas, has the lack of maintainance regularly of the Sheldrake of Saxon woods reservoir of the rivers, caused the rivers to fill up quickly as debris and trees and shopping carts get thrown in and we see water fill up faster during the rain.

Have we gotten away from taxpayers being protected and the tax breaks of developers who often give major political donations to both parties, caused a neglect that borders that of New Orleans….and levies being undone..all of these thoughts flood my mind this morning…..lets see what we can do to solve it …stay tuned..


I am proposing Habitat engage two more Americorp teams, I will be meeting with Congresswoman Nita Loweys office  Thursday, as well as regular updates….


I was honored to be in Yonkers yesterday..where with the planning dept, we moved ahead on Purser Place, on our new neighborhood on Orchard Street, on our targeting our collective neighborhoods.  

We have been blessed to adopt and be empowered to help many in the following neighborhoods.

 Purser Place, 4 homes being finished, ten homes rehabbed in the neighborhood, four parts painted, a playground painted and more..

The Hollows, this great neighborhood on Porach Street, Mulberry, of off Ashburton is our home territory for 11 years..9 homes built, two parks painted, ten homes painted, Longfellow school fences painted, a community garden started, a church rehabbed and painted…and much more…..amazing

 The Willow neighborhood by Cottage apartments…7 homes bult, more land being purchased…cottage apts community rooms painted, and a seniors home rehabbed, and a church painted…as well as the playground painted…

 Summit Avenue neighborhood, soon to be a new Habitat hood…

Also we are introducing a green energy home in Yonkers, an amazing highly visibile project with all the latlest green technologies, stay tuned!



We also spoke about a larger Restore in Yonkers, stay tuned!




Monday, April 27, 2009

FW: blog

a great day no question, Junior League rose up the occacion..they started helping others in tenement houses on the lower east side..then we had Dobbs Ferry Highs chool and then a huge tag Sale at Bronxville Reformed grateful, no queston!


with that in mind, we need to be so grateful today to God for the many gifts they bestow on us, daily..

with help and prayers each person can make it successfully, live ina good home, work hard, and help others themselves...there are many still who suffer, but outreach from all of us to those in need is not an option, it is a necessity, in all of our faith and work, no matteer what religion or no religion..


We are embarking on new times, times that call us to work together closer and help one another,

Thank you to the Junior League, Dobbs Ferry High School, Eastchester High, Bronxville High School and all of you, may God bless you with a great week...

with gratitude,


ps today we need your support question!


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Friday, April 24, 2009


Last nite i was honored by the New Rochelle Day Nursery group at the Davenport club...however the honor was really for the people at my table, Mary, Tom, Jason, Steve, Bennie, the kids, our families, the FOMS and all...a great nite..

starting with praise and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ, Susy Oppenheimer followed commiting herself to this great center... a teacher sang a spiritual song...about moms and children...children, so important....

the work there starting from a great home in the morning, receiving love in a nursery or at a school is vitally important no question. 


These next two weeks are packed with volunteers, just the beginning of what i believe will be the busiest time in our history, no question...we have work to do, much work... an email just came in from Ms. Lordi, a family member who did her birthday party for us for habitat for humanity, a great event in the Salems...we have an lpc in Somers and now an lpc in the Salems question....and also Yorktown...upcounty is on the move!


and downcounty, our walk in Yonkers will be strong Sat. no question...God protects us with all the angels in this county and in Yonkers...! 

we need you to be one of our angels, today, a dollar, ten dollars, a hundred a thousand, whatever you can give.

Join us!


Tonite I speak to the African American Mens Green conference, another great honor...does it get any better than way..thank you God for all those in the county who believe in us!


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Thursday, April 23, 2009

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Heres to a blessed day...being honored by the Day Nursery in New Rochelle,  a not for profit in new rochelle that helps many people and families...not worthy to be honored, this helps support the cause of another great not for profit..


Busy times for the vineyard.

I want to give a shout out to the Interreligioius Council of New Rochelle. I spoke there yesterday with Msgr Berardi, Rabbi Wohl, and also Carl Procario Foley incoming president...everything about the Interreligious Council supports what our Theology of the Hammer is about...being in Gods love and action together.. a powerful council, a powerful was an honor to be there.


Pray for all the congregations during this time....God bless, JJK


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Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Earth Day,  a trolley, green roofs, living roofs, affordable homes, passive and active solar, wind, less cars..more biking, walking, walkable towns and cities and more...what more could we ask for...

HAPPY EARTH DAY!  This week we put ourselves in the middle of doing great things........we have Green REcycling sales, we have earth day events, we have cleanups in Mamoroneck and YOnkers and New Rochelle, we have recycling going on and a Living Roof Presentation, we have also a celebration of our community garden being replanted...all of this is for you and I and our children and grandchildren...whatever side you fall on we are going to Go Green and ask you to join us in this blessed part of our mission..or you could donate your Car for Homes for us.!!! Join us..the excitement is Building Green! God bless, jjk


Big savings on Dell XPS Laptops and Desktops!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

FW: blog

God is good God is good, All the Time, the song matter what happens, always there for us..always forgiving, always loving, Don Moen a great Christian singer, sings the song, and has shared with millions...and here we believe it in Habitat matter what faith or no faith...we are so blessed to have our Christian brothers and sisters, our Jewish brothers and sisters, our Muslim, all faiths and no faiths..working ...

last nite I was honored to speak at St. Josephs in Croton Falls, to the council there, well received, i was honored to speak there years ago at a Thanksgiving service....come and join us, our CEO was a carpenter, help us find people who need a home, help build with us, help buy the in action...Msgr Moore was so poignant because someone asked a question...well how do these people take care of the house..Msgr had helped people in Yonkers get involved with new homeowners getting involved..getting involved to help learn how to live in a home...didnt we all learn new things when we moved into our first home...we all needed to learn what plumber to call, how to cut a lawn, when to take out the to pay utilities, save for college, and more...some had mentors, some learned by hard knocks...if you live in apartment your whole life it helps...


Just another day to give Praise to the Lord and thanks for you, for our families for all faith and our faith, and the ability for all to join in and get involved, whether it is a company, or it is a congregation or citizen...all are welcome!!!!!!! God is good all the Time!


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Monday, April 20, 2009

FW: blog

We are blessed with favor in a big way.. many need help support...and God gives us people that say yes we will help...Like Chuck, Jay and Ali...all helped on Mr. Ponds house, now they go on our sites on Sat.  Jay invited Ali recently and now all worked in Yonkers this past Sat.


This past Sat...a little bit of heaven.. in six locations, Tarrytown, Yonkers, two neighborhoods, New Rochelle, Peekskill, Greenburgh, ...all working, from Harrison High School, to a birthday party for Russ and Cheryl Palmer, where they volunteered on site, to Bedford Presbyterian  Church and Eagle Scouts, all worked hard together to make it another wonderful habitat day...It is a big county, soon we will be in Armonk, Pound Ridge and Somers...the local committee in Somers is strong and moving ahead.. along with that we had three Restores running..never a dull moment.


So now is the time to take advantage to help support us, to help build with us...a Liberty Lines bus driver came to my car as i dropped my son off in Yonkers at the train can i get involved, he saw the sign on my car and stated, can i come once a week..can you join us..can you support us..

God bless..jjk



we have to go to NOLA to help finish Sharons home, i need volunteers and me..needs to be done in next month and a half.

also this Friday honored to speak at African American mens day on Going Green..

April 25th is our Walk for Homes Now! in Yonkers...join us...we need your support!


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Friday, April 17, 2009

Fw: blog

abusy day into a busy weekend...on a conference call already for a national americorp service ...amercorp has heped us in a big way for during the floods of 2007, two americopr disaster teams..phenomenal...
now we are geared to have other americorps on the team...this year...
along with that we get ready for our Habicorp troops..our volunteers who work across this county every Jay and Chuck, and Chris and Rich, and many many more..and Mary and CC and Tom, thank you!!!!!
Now we have our work cut out for us..last nite at our Golf meeting our 7th Annual Golf tournament got kicked be held in October, this work is as vital as any other, as we raise money for our support...for our support..we raise money from great leaders like Joe French and others, like Scarsdale kids who will raise money at a Scarsdale auction...thank you Scarsdale High school habitat club!
we are appreciative of everything you do.!

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Mamoroneck Hails Flood victims New Home....states the Journal news headline...excitingly we are blessed to be back in the neighborhood of Howard Avenue.. we are liked and disliked at times..for speaking up..the more i go in life, the more i feel like the Truth is a sometimes thing dealt with..however with Habitat our homes are our truth......we have rough edges for sure..try to build homes with unskilled volunteers...HELLLOOOOO..welcome to our world..but the heart is bigger than the lack of knowledge, and people keep coming back and learn and learn and try and build and get it right and build again..and change another familys' life.. no we build in Truth and with love and with Faith...we are so grateful to all of you who support us, who dared to take the Habitat challenge....
famlies who need help and support, who need our advocacy and partnership and we need them...
our work is just beginning in this great county...
A church just calls...Jim we have so many volunteers what are we to do ......welcome to our World..
we are always glad to take on challenges, to make it happen.! with gratitude. J

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Monday, April 13, 2009

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Easter monday addendum
The headline reads.. Westchester fights 150 million dollar housing suit..Often i have stated that Yonkers should not have taken the brunt of the housing crisis in this county..but it was a county responsibilitiy...apparently others feel the same way.. i am not into lawsuits, I am into homes...but the point has been made that smoke and mirrors no more..that we have to hold accountable all towns and cities that have faked doing affordable housing..there are total non integrated towns in this county...there are total towns that dont have any of their workers living here...time to change it..the headline validates this...may the 150 million no matter on what side go into affordable homes...with is OUR TIME!
Another article talks about the Public housing that exists in Winbrook.I have been to White PLains public Housing, Yonkers, New Rochelle and more...I have been to public housing in Newark and in Paterson..
the director of White Plains housing when i first met him...Mack Carter, is a good man...i have been with him, and when he called Winbrook residences instead of projects, i knew the man cared...clean neat meticuolous.. he wants a quality of life for people that is to better themselves....the article is critical..but Mack has done a good job.
My only hope having seen and helped to paint community residences..helping to clean municipal lots in Mulford Gardens, now being knocked down, and in Cottage apartments, well kept...that these could be turned over to ownership..that they could be changed to have made into peoples wealth rather than renters..when policies and projects were made, in the War on and management was made.. money has run out..but when someone owns their home..they take care of it, they love it, they take care of it, they find a way....perhaps a new shift is in the making...
anyway congrads to all those housing directors, Steve Horton, Mac Carter and more who help make decent places to live in their communities... God bless, jjk
pss Lois Bronx, the headline reads she is Retiring.. a loss only in name, Lois will continue to advocate for us.. she will continue to fight for people to live in simple decent homes. no question.. God bless you Lois and Chuck..more honors and accolades to come..  jjk

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

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for sure this fun weekend is great for kids..chocoloates, candy, the Easter bunny, but for us the real reason is to celebrate the life and death of Jesus and His Resurrection, with faith in our volunteers this Sat come out and build on our homes in Purser and Porach Street. helping to make it all worth while, helping to get people closer to finishing their life long dream.. a resurrection if you will of our families lives to be able to have a new start, a new home, new wealth, life long dreams fulfilled to be able to help people make it in the their kids can go to college, so they will be out of harms way, so their generations will have a step up...but always needing to remember to give back to others once their dream is in place.. .this happens in so many ways, families once they move in, help one another, reach out to others, share with others.. many are church goers..and then tell others about habitat...
across the world today this Easter Sat..famlies and volunteers are working side by side, with Jewish and Christian and Muslim families in one, and people with no religion..just trying to help dreams come true...Join us today.. the Excitement is building! God bless, jjk

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Friday, April 10, 2009

Fw: blog

So here goes…a city that has walkable areas..places that are clean safe, affordable homes and condos, access to public services…

Today I was quoted about a traffic study..primarily because we are on Main St USA everyday, 24 7 with our headquarters,…our volunteers and staff have almost gotten hit in traffic that flys..Mrs Cohen often says with Mickie..I almost got hit again a choice is made, speak up or shut up..

Today the empowering voice of people, is oten stifled for the sake of political correctness…very sad, in a city of Thomas Paine and a county of the Bill of Rights…the history of our county dictates we speak up no question..I rode through Mamoroneck that other day..all cars stop while pedestrians are in the crosswalk…period….People are the priority…not cars rushing to nowhere…people skip our 95 toll to go past our would be one thing if it was at a slow pace, but no vol. has to go to court in July in order to talk about witnessing someone crossing being hit..walkable cities along with affordable homes, make it worthwhile..affordable condos…community includes all different aspects, and descision makers who make decisions are not on Main Street weekly, not even bi weekly…so heres to changing our community from the bottom up…


Today we pray for those in Tornados, earthquakers, harmsway…pray for those in need, I am sure Habitat will be there to help for sure..

In Texas and Oklahoma .. We prepare now for our work…for our future…for rebuilding the flood home on Howard Avenue in Mamoroneck…our tornado came two years ago in Mamonroneck, New Rochelle , Yonkers , Bronxille, Harrison ..hundreds of families flooded…pray for those who we need to help fix their homes, for those who dream of new homes.. pray for us…Know that this Passover, Easter season, you are in my prayers, no question…

For a blessing from our God, who calls us all to help one another, no matter if it is New Orleans , or Mamoroneck or White Oak in New Rochelle , or Somers, or wherever.. God bless you…with gratitude!  J

Ps have a blessed Good Friday..j

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

FW: blog

where do we go from here, Second Chance, a Second Wind, the moments of Destiny are not gone but yet to come...the story of redemption, the story of chanigng commuities, of going to a new land or home like Moses, of building homes to remove mangers of substandard housing into simple decent homes, of helping those in need to those indeed with joy love and happiness after...what a second wind God gives us every day!!!!!

the headlines are full of second winds these days...Lloyd the ceo of Goldman Sachs writes...change the compensation....lawsuits happen in newspapers to regain stockholders shares...changing accounting laws to reflect new gains, or less losses (not srue)  big developers going broke so small businesses citizens and everdyay communitie heroes and seniors can live again in real community...


That is the real message.

Last Nite i was blessed to address two groups..I felt like Willie Nelson, on the Road again..across a county that is as big as some small Somers I was blessed to speak to volunteer be able to speak to a great group who like Habitat , housed 911 volunteers and supplies, like we did in the Armory....who like Habitat, helped in the Mamoroneck floods and are happy we are replacing homes...there, on LIz Covingtons house...who like Habitat save homeowners from fires, while we replace some homes and repair them, or donate furniture to fire victims.  They look for a second help see their kids who volunteer have ahome in the community...Mario asks, can you share withme some of your green weatherization adn construciton techniques...Vinnie talks about how he worked at Nelstadt and as president beleives the armory should be saved..Bob talks about how he lives in Newburgh now and how glad he was Habitat is there, which i helped get off the ground are needed for volunteer fire fighters across this county,...ask Danny Anderson and the Scarduzzios who got First Homes for First Responders...

Second wind, a new chance in destiny to rebuild...


IN Isaiah....Woe to that that make wicked laws, and whey they write, write injustice.

To oppress the poor in judgement and do violence to the cause of the humble of my people, that widows might be their prey and that they might rob the fatherless.." in Ch 10..what will you do in the day of judgement..

Many state this is the day of judgement...every day is a day of judgement, a new opporutnity in destiny to get it right.. to help our firefightres, our seniors and famlies and workers have simple homes..



Along with I spoke to a group of business people after on Green Building with Habitat,

A second wind to get our earth right,, John and Frank of Green Tree Energy Services have a Second chance in Destiny to help others get it right, to save energy, to save the environment, to work on homes and retrofit and weatherize, to help others...we have a Second wind, a second chance in destiny to get it revert our earth to saving utilities, to build energy efficient homes like Habitat of Westchester has been recognized to have a second wind to change transportation, like Dave McKay Wilson has pushed with the Bike club of Westhcester and SoNo New Ro, and to help make our communtiies green again.


A shout out to Jaynie Chase was there, Chevys wife, who has been pushing a greener world in her work for years.. The Chases first donated to us their first hot water heater, for reuse, 8 years ago, and they have helepd us ever since in donating supplies to us..


This Holy Week and Easter and Passover, dont miss the Second Wind, SEcond Chance, second time in Destiny to get it right...God bless, jjk


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Monday, April 06, 2009

FW: blog

a man walks in God bless you after coming from mass...every morning..two Jamaican Americans pray in our Restore with me before they go on the bus..may all the angels protect you...we pray,this Holy Week..

my Italian American friend comes in from the barber shop..did you hear about the Earthquake in Italy, let us know what we can do...every morning is a day to set the opportunity for great things to happen when you wake up with charity, mitzvah and prayer around you...when it is not there, it is empty..maybe you might be like the ceo who made millions whether the company was successful or not, or maybe like the person who is thinking about the latest styles, while they dont care about their kids cause the nanny is coming..or maybe a person on the street who just wants to get over and never work...or maybe you have an addiction that you cant get out of...all of those things stop today, and say a prayer, give your day to God.


We do that all the time here, though maybe not enough..we ask you to join us for all the staff, our families, our volunteers, our friends, our donors,our corporations, our congregations... and partners to pray for one another, it is the key to a great day..


Ralph prayed with me yesterday in the Manhattan, homeless, he had no food, and I brought him food, and we prayed there for each other on the street...

another man begging looked like a professional...with his head down, though nicely dressed...remember him too.


Last remember our family who just moved into their home, who now has a new life..May God bless you this Holy Week...




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Friday, April 03, 2009

FW: blog


Hope you are doing great overall.

we have been working hard, last nite an offer on a piece of land at a town board, rehabs projected in north county in three other towns. getting ready for our walks for homes and our work across the county to get it all going..our world is one where everyday is a machinations of schedules, building, raising support and more..

it is all we come into this Holy Week, we ask you to pray and support our vital mission.

Prayer is the key to all we do no question..

and action is the follow up of all our good work, no being built across the world homes being built across the county..

every piece of wood, a reaction to prayer, a sign of Gods love of helping one another, every nail, an Exclamation Point that we believe in Humanity and one another, every piece of plywood, ...a wall of pictures, families and generations being protected and having hope..

so please continue to support us in this vital effort...

God Bless you today.. and this Holy Week...


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Thursday, April 02, 2009

FW: blog


God wants much more of us!  Do You Think? Of course, in a positive way…..look at what He has given to us! Absolutely no question!

I am blessed at times to realize that, though I need to do more…we have veterans crossing our paths, marines, army, Semper Fi, we have mothers, we have mothers with five children and seniors with no help for their homes..God wants much more!  So that is our Holy Season Challenge…


The book of Isaiah calls us to remember this,….the book of James..the Koran, the Bible..Ch 12 of Isiah talks about how God was angry with us and He turned away and back with love….we have forgotten our Loving God who is in charge.. who calls us like the Psalmist says to help the poor…to be successful to assist those in need, to give with help and thanksgiving…and joy…


Even during these times…so give more pray more help more….and it will be a sign that God loves you and you love God..


I was blesed last nite, after our closings yesterday to be able to speak in Somers…we are Blessed to be part of Habitat I state, with joy, no matter what faith..sometimes we forget that, we look at every corner except the One that is the most important…So Somers we are blessed to be there and you are blessed to have Habitat….is your town ready for Habitat….we will build in Somers shortly.. we will have land, we will rehab homes, we will help others in building and be helped in the process…


Then I drove to see the rebar and the site going up where two years ago, our “Katrina” for a better name I will call the Flood, a Wind Gushing with water…two years ago, Mariah, drove the force of homes, and sheds, and debris throughout the area….today on Howard Avenue, our Flood Home, our foundation built with love for the Covingtons, arises stronger than Mariah, better than the overflowing rivers and lack of maintainance, or overflow of waters, and better than the lack of political will to protect families homes, our Foundation is based on the One that is your Foundation if you want it to be!


Join us in this important quest…Join us in this blessed mission. Please make a bold Holiday Holy donation in honor of the foundations we build throughout all this county and the world!!!!!! God bless you! j


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

FW: blog

a great day, closing going, a second family moves in to a home we rehabbed on Lincoln Avneue, a huge hiltie of our work..on top of that we have our Somers meeting tonite, moving ahead..

to help build a home...with that in mind, we celebrate real community real life and real homes...thanks to all of you...God bless, jjk


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