Monday, April 25, 2011

FW: blog

Friday evening, Shabbat for some, holy day day before Sat build for Habitat too.

Every day is Shabbat for Habitat  is holy is hammer time…we take for granted our roof, our home, our water, our life..our electricity…the mission of our work so simple is for us to build Green EarthDay quality homes…energy efficient, creating communities of love and energy together…stay tuned, even our own energy sources…

Our main energy source though is the one God that calls us to love one another help one another,care for one another….like those at Riverside who I worked with today at the Green Science Fair…or with the Pearls Children who came to visit…or with the Pace student who helped today..we are blessed.

So join us..tomorrow we welcome Boston College alum, Bedford Presbyterian, new York and company, and Foxlane school..all great together..what a great God we serve no matter what day we worship..hopefully everyday..



Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




FW: blog

HOLY WEEK BUILDATHON…our FIRST ONE YET! Encompassed by colleges, congregations and Catholic High schools visting, our work continues strongly! We have our Jewish brothers and sisters working our interfaith groups all together, during thie Easter Passover Week…this is True Theology of the Hammer!  Millard Fuller always said, we agree to disagree on doctrine..but we can all agree, that everyone needs a simple decent home…so join us..if you cant please make  a HOLY WEEK DONATION TO OUR WORK!  The Excitemenet is building!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




FW: blog

Green Green Greeen, Get out and Play! The Journal news,,  writes in todays paper..Children thrive by spending time in the great outdoors..getting out and play became a new team in many homes… a playdate..yikes..what is that…im going for a playday…I remember growing up as a kid,we would do anything to play outside. We would make up games of all sorts, we would play wiffle ball, football, basketball, kickball, soccer, badminton, you name it we would play the fields in the streets..

Often kids in neighborhoods have no place to play in the hood…green space is taken away, and kids are unhealthier, living in fear, livng inside, living with asthma….Parks become vitally important as do green spaces everywhere…Habitat of Westchester is commited to help make our neighborhoods green in every which way, absolutely no question….wont you join us..donate a planter for one hundred dollars with your families name on it…plant with us, help us buy a lot, for homes, and then one next door for a playground…so go out and Play with habitat….help us deplete crime, increase health, and get out and Play with us on Habitat our kids, our habitat kids, have great green homes and great green neighborhoods… God bless you.


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




FW: blog

Blessings to all!  Our Faith is the key to our less than thirty years, we have been building all over the country and the world..and now are the eighth largest builder in the country today…amazing!  We are so blessed in all we do, because of our lives..beng to help other..being able to work side by side with all faiths, with all this we say Thank God for all faiths, for ourown faith, and for Faith in Action!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101


Happy Easter and Happy Pascua! 



FW: blog

Each day is gift..for sure..each day when we wake up, when we have a roof, when we celebrate a holiday..when we walk by anyone,…when we spend time together in a safe decent loding…this Easter know you are gift.. you have helped us.. you are blessed…and we have just begun…with your prayers, your help, your support..

Please donate will multiply for your life to help other lives… God bless…


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101


Happy Easter and Happy Pascua! 



Thursday, April 14, 2011

FW: blog

Yesterday Wed we had Credit Suisse employees join us…working on the Brown home…exciting…they came from London, Switzerland, Montreal, New York and more..what a blessing…excitingly you could tell they realized how important it was, how good it is to help Habitat, how profound it is to know Habitat is in 90 countries and the eight largest builder in the country…What a blessing…so we say Danka..thank you…merci…come again…how about you! Join us Holy Week for our Holy Week build..lots to do..join us!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Monday, April 11, 2011

FW: blog

Amazing stories, every day.!!!! From our brothers and sisters from three Jewish congregations and schools yesterday, Sunday working…to Awaken Church helping two Catholic High schools coming into to build for Holy Week…Oh What a Wonderful God we Serve!!!! No matter what faith!  During Lent and Passover, we ask you to come and join build with us, to see the excitement of faith and action, love in the mortar joints, to get the disease of Habititis…everyone a Home in our Lifetime, everyone !!!!!!!!

We can do this with Gods help and your congregation, and your company!!!!!! No question!!!!!

So join us, what are you waiting for today..or make a donation to us, .. you are changing lives when you do! God bless you !


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Friday, April 08, 2011

FW: blog

Spring is here! No question..the forsythias are out, people are starting to walk more and Habitats build schedule is in full many companies again coming back to us..

TIAA cref, Credit Suisse M and T bank, New York and Company…congregations Temple Israel, Bedford Presybtterian Church, Holy Family, Congregation d you…

Over the years, I think of the so many companies congregations and individuals…or the Scarsdale interns who come  out with us, or the A team members…or the Seniors retirees who we love who help us so much like Rich, Mary, Ron, Tom, and name just a few…

Our work has just begun..and you are the reason we exist to help get you involved and volunteer..while we end poverty for families, or help with Brush with Kindness projects for God bless you and yours..and Habitat from here to Bangladesh, from Yonkers, to Yemen, and Haiti to homes of hope! God bless Kembe Fem!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




FW: blog

Today in the daily news best places article on ICFa, insulated concrete forms, is written..I continue to amaze ourselves here at Habitat of Westchester, because for years, we have been using very energy efficient building materials…ICFa have been used for foundations, as well as for building whole homes.  We are designing a condo building

On ICFs…in Yonkers…amazing.

Our homes in Portchester, in Yonkers, in Mt Vernon, have been utilizing foundations made out of ICFs…like a stryofoam cup, you put them together like legos..pour concrete after the rebar is in and it keeps it warmer for the life of the family, saving energy.


Along with solar panels, green flooring, healthier paints and more, our Habitat families have many storng safe energy efficient homes. The excitement is building Green..God bless


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Tuesday, April 05, 2011

FW: blog

Monday, not  a blue day but a great day…a house to be salvaged for supplies, a story to be told by Patch..a city that wants us and many more, a new mayor calls and says thanks let me help…what a great day…the world watches ten people bounce rubber on a wooden floor, I love the game..but I love walls of Hope and Love going up..walls of neighbors and friends, being melded together, not being torn apart..religions of one, joining instead of religions of division tonite..the Finals are led by you, if you play the game of

Hammers instead of Hoops with habitat…you will be a National and a family Champion if you do…the Excitement is Still Building!!!!!!!!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Monday, April 04, 2011

FW: blog

Early morning restlessness…..for families with no heat..for families with no windows that shut well, or landlords that don’t care…or for Habitat directors that want to change it..

Praying for more land, more money, more homes..more sewers, more plumbers, more excavators..some of our biggest costs, lies in the underground….like the restless families or director, the earth needs to be dug to complete good homes above, good  foundations, good building..pray with prayers of gratitude for all the support we have had over the years to end this restlessness..and for future homes..that need their ground settled….we need your prayers,…and your support…if you know a plumber, excavator, or us finish these homes, and end poverty for families in need.. God bless you…


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!