Monday, July 25, 2011

FW: blog

First Dimension Faith, second dimension Faith…Erwin McManus writes about one ofhis books.. a great guy, he is creative and loves God…having met him, you can tell…Our Third Dimension Faith, takes into account, Faithfulness, amazing miracles..and then ACTION!  Amazing Faithfilled Action!!!!!! Of all kinds…of all measures, of all levels…imagine, what God wants us to do to change the world with Him!!!! What we can do…when we can do it…NOW! How we can do it..with His lead! To that level I introduce Amazing Aggressive Neighborhood transformation!!!!!!!! A concept I believe is God Blessed! One that is taking volun teers hands, hearts, hammers, into action!! Into faith filled action!!!!! What an amazing way of see the world change!!! To see lives change..people cant believe it..but I can..with God anything is possible…so be part of God blessed AGGRESSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION1!!!!1 THE THIRD FAITH DIMENSION..FUELED BY ACTION..AND BY HABITAT..GOD BLESSYOU!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101




Tuesday, July 19, 2011

FW: blog

A ride in NYC on my bike is one of the best things I do for myself…seeing the sites, praying for people…My new volunteer Steve from England comes in for two weeks..he tells me they have a bike exchange program there..amazing…very cool he says…biking is actually  part of affordable housing…ok heres why..what takes more land to park …a bike or a car…

Think of all the land that cars take away from parks..from homes, from solar gardens and community gardens or playgrounds…cars dictate our space, life, money transport and more…two interesting people…I stopped in Chinatown on the border of mulberry last dollar water.. and the rains started to poor. Bobby from China who owned the store, says sit sit here…he let me relax in what his world..a small business…I wondered where he lived in Chinatown..what accomodations, if he owned….Then, off to get a smoothie at Liquiteria..can you believe it…I sit and a gentlemen in finance is reading a book in Russian. The lower East side has always been blessed to have Slavic and Eastern bloc representation..its about WWII he tells me, written by a Russian seargeant in the trenches.. he tells me the US came in late to the war and looked like saviors..after the war was being won, up until the last round of the fight.. he thinks the War machine of America is a big part of the economy..he tells me…the country will go to war again he says, in Libya, Pakistan, all over…

I tell him I think we can not depend upon war for success…solar panels, blue jean insulation, sip panels and more….Wow…

Where do we live, do we do we surive and move the economy..when do we manufacture things here again..and build simple decent homes for all… a bike ride, can have profound implications n one line…join me …May God bless you..America and the world…pray for our work and donate, please..thank you!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101




Monday, July 18, 2011

FW: blog

The  headline reads:  “Astorino:Hud actions go too far”  about the HUD lawsuit against Westchester county..`150 million dollar lawsuit. Long before anylawsuit..Habitat of Westchester built its first housei n Larchmont in 1988. Since then homes in Somers, and Bedford in non traditional towns have been built byHabitat…with no government help.

Yet Habitat has not been asked to help with building any of the homes now by the county.  Some past scandals have seen certain contractors get the jobs in home building…

We have worked with the county on homes in Portchester and some other areas.  The key is to help move quicker…..everytime I work in super dense neighborhoods…to help build homes, and then seen tracks of land that are acres upon acres of land, I wonder…why…we don’t want to see density…of unhealthy proportions. But when in this day and age. Kids go to schools with no books, in some cities, while other kids have the best education in some towns, but no diversity..a question asking why is vital.  When kds get shot at…while others kids go off to their second house for a week vacation…you ask why…when non governmental communities that are led by faith need to go out and build with us once a month..while outside their doors no homes..i ask why…

The Whys need to be answered…the smoke and mirror continues to be taken off the mirrors, so all politicians..Democrats and Republicans, all leaders, no matter what denomination…can join together and say..wait ..cant we build the most beautiful affordable green homes in the world here with Habitat…every day I ask why…..the answers lie in you and yours helping! God bless you


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101




FW: blog

THE SUMMER OF CHANGE continues….this weekend, more volunteers helped us than ever..companies, congregations, syngagues, churches, high schools, colleges..

And more…to that end, we continue strongly..we will not stop..we continue..

Up and down the Ashburton corridor,

In Peekskill

In White Plains,

In New Rochelle

In Mt Vernon

In Somers..

Join us..the Freedom Summer comes back in the form from history of the SUMMER OF CHANGE..God wants people to have simple decent question.

God wants mortgages not to fail.

God blesses Habitat mortgage holders…with interest free mortgages..Join us! Now…!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101




Tuesday, July 12, 2011

FW: blog


Peoples lives getting transformed..our neighbors, our families, our volunteers…

Today we had 100 vol unteers from NY Illinois and Masschusetts…stay tuned for our tenth annual 911 buildathon…amazing .

We can rise up huge buildings, so cant we rise up homes in Battle Hill, in Mt Vernon, in all the county!

Its all about Leadership..i need more Habitat leaders..we will be kcking off a Habitat leadership traning seminar shortly..if interested contact me.

Remember each second in life is gift….and so are  YOU! GOD BLESS YOU!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101




Tuesday, July 05, 2011

FW: blog

This Sunday we are so blessed to be able to help one another, to pray, to change communities and change our own lives..

Each day we see people who want to help..yesterday Habitat for Humanity of Westchester partnered with Vets to collect food for the Montrose food bank..

I also was blessed to work with my Ashburton neighbors, who helped us with our community garden..near our Zero energy home

I also want to thank Marty Burger and Dave Worsley of Silverstein properties for assisting us…….so be blessed this fourth of July..know every second is gift./. you are too…and so is Habitat for Humanity of Westchester to thousands!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101