A great weekend, we move ahead…helping in community gardens, work ing on Beechwood avenue, helping in the Rockaways, assisting with families throughout.
We take so much for granted..many are still so stressed over Sandy…many seniors are burdened with the inability to take care of their homes..but there is hope..
Helping one another.. we must and need to do this. God calls us no matter what faith…Young Israel of Scarsdale helped us out this weekend, making flowers into a star of
David in one of our gardens. SAi continues to help….iona Prep volunteered with us strong as they continue….to help a senior in need.
If all of the people who say they loved God and loved one another helped, we would and will change the face of the county, NY and the world.
To this we continue to commit, to Vets…to helping, to caring, to reaching out, to improving neighborhoods and more..! join us
relief@habitatwc.org or donate to http://www.habitatwc.org
Jim Killoran, Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 403-4821
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