Monday, December 29, 2014

FW: blog

The year Christmas pasts 2014…we have volunteers this Christmas Saturday and Christmas days two Jewish families took their time to spend with us, an honor..

The essence of lifes success is to volunteer…like Mike who is out in Breezy helping today, Tuckahoe high school, who is helping and the many churches like the Greek Orthodox Church of new Rochelle

Who helped us this past Thanksgiving. Its time your church, syngagogue or company gets involved..dont you think..or your family..

Or you being home from college,

With that in mind,we work to continue to change homes, to change lives, to be blessed in all we do.

So grateful this Christmas for our new Restore..

So grateful for all our donors

For all our board members,

For all our staff and volunteers..

Our international partrners from Haiti, to Santo Domingo, to El Salvador to Argentina to everywhere…

We are like building elves.. on a mission 24/7…come and join us.

Join us this year…volunteer with us, help us


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 


Please give this Holiday season;


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Thursday, December 18, 2014

FW: blog

What an honor it is to always be helping people….just got off the phone with my good friend JimPate of New Orleans, a great director and friend.  We had helped a number of families in NOLA, who returned, those who got displaced to NY.  We have another family to get back in, but with Sandy hitting, we have been a little busy.

The cost of living, is really pretty amazingly out of control… NY. The imprudent overdevelopment creates another nightmare ready to happen….are we ready..for Katrina, for Sandy, for who comes next.

I think not…to that end we move and breathe and fight and build and rebuild.

Grateful to all my construction workers to sesh and Steve, and all grateful to all my board, to all my HOPES volunteers, who help us, build and rebuild…like Tom and Norma and Mary and Jim. I am grateful for Claude Jeudy mon frere dan Haiti, who we keep supporting and tithing, grateful for all our habitat leaders.

To that end we work. And continue………

May God bless you, in all you do. help us help others, the HolySpirit guides us each minute.


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 


Please give this Holiday season;


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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

FW: blog

As move ahead, I get inspired by the #youth volunteering… the future is bright..we have #volunteers from all over the country..from #Michigan, from #Maryland, from #Virginia, from #NY ,

All over.

It is one of the most exciting things there is..

These youth become Habitat heroes their whole life..

Jess from Pelham High School Habitat club led their first Gingerbread house event last nite raising support for the builds they do..

Americorp volunteer with us on sites and help lead.

#Lizbeth helped with #NewRochelle high school habitat members this Sunday.

At the end of the day we are all put on earth to question…no matter what age.

Then we have our #retirees …youthful in another way,, who help….Tom, Mary, Bill, so many help…

Thank you all!


To that end we continue..

In the #Sandy relief efforts…

In fighting for #NY, to have homes, ins rebuilding and building, #green and smart.

We have our two command centers now and a third and fourth are on the way..

Stay tuned…to that end we need #disastercaptains, for our model..we will be making our #restore adaptable in case of a disaster as well as our command center at Chrsit Community Church.


We have learned from experiences and now are experts in #disaster relief…from the Nodine Hill fire, to fountainplace fire in New Rochelle to rebuilding Mamoroneck to rebuilding in the Rockaways..

Your support for these efforts is vital. God bless you!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 


Please give this Holiday season;


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Monday, December 15, 2014

FW: blog

Christmas time…Hanukkah time..tis the season..for great mitzvah, Christian charity, habitat elves..what a site..building, #ConEd elves..helping..or like #LizbethSandoval and her #NewRochelle high school elves,

Or #Restore elves, Harvey and Daniel and Big Tom and Mary, all helping with making homes becomea reality thru our work…what a true Blessing..

The Earth is the Lords and all that is within the Psalmist writes! Nehemiah writes we must be Repairers of the Breach..Jesus was in the manger..we need to build more homes for those in need..moms and kids come in all the time.. the landlord has left mice in the room with no heat ..he works in city hall.. I live in a  basement kids are cramped…what becomes of a society that doesn’t change this…ITS TIME! We can have NEW VISIONS..GODLY VISIONS..ones that the God of Abraham has called us to have to be the Nehemiahs and Moses and Jesus in our make it NMU for all No More Ugly.  Join us this holiday season with a donation to help us continue..Join us this holiday season in Building..join us in our Martin Luther King buildathon….celebrating diversity..Join us in our vital Sandy work..

The Earth is the Lords and all that is within..pray for one another, for your family for our families..for each second is gift.. you are too! God bless you.


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 


Please give this Holiday season;


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Thursday, December 11, 2014


Its Christmas time..the music in the back playing in our #Restore,…elves around..a Bronx Christmas chamber event.

And much more..we love Christmas…

500 toys by the #aisling center, for our kids in the #Sandy relief …300 new coats for Veterans..a new #restore..

Our first ever #DickVanDyke Celebration of his birthday Dec 13th on Historic Main St in SoNo NewRochelle, and an electrician passing our permits for two vets homes…every second is gift.. you are too..

The studies show we are still in the midst of a crisis..the front page of the #WestchesterBusinessJournal shows me at #GrandCentral at a press conference…fighting that no more luxury right now in #Harrison.. that the #MTA has a moral and economic responsibility in a town under a federal lawsuit to do affordable every town and city in America..this is our mission, this is our Christmas song..#LoveNewYorkdontLeave it, #NMU no more ugly, everyone a that asking too much Lord. 

The Psalmist wrote the Earth is the Lords and all that is within….blessed be the Lord, blessed be #HabitatofWestchester, our donors,

Our helpers and volunteers..join us…


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 


Please give this Holiday season;


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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

FW: blog

#veterans we live, how we roll, how we move, with freedom, to speak, move around and exist.

This becomes our challenge..for our Vets, who return often with no job, no homes…we are blessed to know today we dedicate two homes for Mike and Nikki and Jeff and Tara, to live and have family lives with the dream of home ownership of habitat…

Mike and Nikki were in Afghanistan, met as marines, returned to Nikkis birth In Yonkers…they heard about us thru our band leader Will, who lives in the hood..who knew we needed homes for families.  Chosen, great parents, Mike working as an electrician, Nikki a nurse….their lives changed forever in what we call Battle Hill….the battle for Veterans to take it back to help to make it work.

I remember the reverence we had for  our uncles in WW2 , who fought in Anzio and overseas…three brothers of my mother all who served. I remember the day we got the call my cousin had died Michael….who served in Vietnam.  I remember my cousin, a prisoner of war and hero, who came back and started a drivers school…..I remember visiting the graves of all of them, Memorial day..and the remembrances of freedoms….

I also remember being in countries where I felt unsafe…helping to rebuild and returning to freedom, to life and love.

With that in mind, we celebrate every veteran today.

Ivan and his family

Mike and his family, our next vets applying for homes. we remember Arthur a WW 2 vet who we rehabbed his house in Hurricane Sandy areas….we continue…..

May God bless every vet with a home and a job…may we take no freedom for granted..may the centurions of great faith the bible spoke of lead and love all of us in freedoms and may we remember each one of them and pray for them today….and then act to help them. Please donate to our Vets initaitives today


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

War on Poverty; Walk for Homes Sunday, Novermber 2, 2014


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Monday, November 10, 2014

FW: blog

A rainy day, but God works..and so don’t our volunteers…these are the days when I see the #retirees helping that amazing things  happen…our HOPES retirees…The biggest exchange of retirees in history is happening…and they love to #volunteer with us..what an honor and a blessing…

Their wisdom, their hands, their sweat equity, like Rich and Lee and Big Tom and Mary and Ron, and Donald, Sue, and Norma..and all the gang..their contribution is invaluable…no question.

With that in mind we continue we celebrate, we honor them, we bless them, we t hank them.

They worked in the rain today..on two #Vets families…homes today..two marines who served in harms ways…

What an honor to see them work so hard for #Veterans families…what an honor it is to write about them.

Please contribute to our cause, more homes await our rehabbing them..for the sake of lives, neighborhoods and the American way!--


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

FW: blog

Plutocracy development…a new term I coined…that is really the way we see all our towns and cities developing..what about seniors, vets, working people…what about ownership by the people, for the people, not the developers and politicians…

Part of it is the way the system is gamed…tax credits don’t increase taxes , increase kids in the school system, and don’t create a long term intergenerational new York…then why do we believe it..who is making out…the plutocracy, the marketing to other wealthy countries, the areas that are being gentrified, and the models of perpetuating poverty, that have not empowered people to live with dignity.   Its time for change…join us in our WarOnPoverty Walk for homes now, this Sunday….two miles, and for those that want to walk with me from yonkers more…see our website.. God bless you..change is coming…


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

War on Poverty; Walk for Homes Sunday, Novermber 2, 2014


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FW: blog

2nd anniversary of Sandy…surreal, tragic, hope for a better tomorrow, sad, grateful…for so many who are helping.

We work with volunteers from Credit Suisse,today on Breezy point sandy homes…helping to make sure that another family gets closer to getting in..

The power of one…I think of it often..the power of one volunteer day, volunteer group, one home being finished…one day in giving..

It is with great gratitude to all the groups who have helped us the power of one, helping so many lives be changed…

I think of my friends from Fordham,Sai,  from Israel Aid, from Bank of America, from Goldman, from Holy Child, from Stacy to Allie, to big Tom and Norma to all who helped…to Sesh, and the team….so many helped me to lead this charge, the charge to change the way we live, to save lives, to help families survive…and have a new life.

Thank you to all who the many families I cried with celebrated with, worked with …..being helped to work with us and realize we are all one NY, one family…due to Sandys wrath great things have happened. We  have much work to do now…

Thursday, October 23, 2014

FW: blog

A great day no question…today we work on so many things, always amazed at what we do..

One week from today is the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy many things..

Today I announce 10/22/ rebuild america day, rebuild NY day…why not! It makes I am honored to speak at

Insitutional investors, and to 80 companies..ab out getting involved…..amazing.. thank you II..

These companies, like yours have the power to change the world, a neighborhood a community..and their own lives at the same time..when will you step up no matter how large or small…


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

War on Poverty; Walk for Homes Sunday, Novermber 2, 2014


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Friday, October 17, 2014

FW: blog

Next week we put on Solar Panels on two more homes..amazing..

Along with that we get ready for our #WaronPoverty Walk for Homes..

This event will take us to a different level..helping to make recognition that there are so many without homes many living in substandard housing..incredible.

A mother came in crying…”there is no kitchen, no working light, ceiling crush down and life wires from the fixer are exposed..Apartment is infected by mice.”  It continues..this in #NewRochelle…it becomes harder and harder for us to be able to hear these stories..but we are getting our second wind, our fight, our voice…where are all the voices that should be speaking…about moms and kids and families and homes…..

Luxury development is not needed….any more..the numbers of people who need homes here is unbelievable..

Its time! Join us in our #WaronPoverty Walk for homes NOW…ITS TIME!  GET OUR PLEDGES, pledge my ten mile walk for homes…Nov 2nd..


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

War on Poverty; Walk for Homes Sunday, Novermber 2, 2014


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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

FW: blog

Each second is gift…we are blessed to help , all over the world and here..

On this Columbus day, I celebrate Italian heritage Spanish heritage, Indian heritage..

After all they were here first..

I just ate at Esquina El Salvador….pulpusas gracias..but beans, and juevos y mas..

I remember Easter Week going to El Salvador, helping with earthquake victims there…having gone with Habitat and a team…

An interesting country, beautiful , we stayed in Sonsonate, while others worked in Salvador, el capital…

Houses were rocked, devastated, the whole time, I mixed concrete..all I did…mas mexcla more mix, more concrete mix..

Pouring water, mixing, it was what we did…

To help someone have a home, love in the mortar joints as one of millards books stated, the founder and friend..

Donde vive, I ask the mujer at the counter..Portchester….

I remember machine guns, outside the doors of our place we ate…protecting us…have you ever had to be protected by machine guns…

Seeing places like that, I understand why people want to live in Portchester, or Ny, or anywhere but…     tu quiere un mas Bueno vida….you want a better life..

So heres to Italy, and El Salvador, and Mexico and Ireland..and America….i had no machine guns outside the restaurant, just great food, and now off to our new Restore…bendiciones! Viva America!!!!!! Viva Salvador..gracias a Dios para todo!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

War on Poverty; Walk for Homes Sunday, Novermber 2, 2014


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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

FW: blog

Last nite as I returned back from Brooklyn from one of my #Sandy staffs moms wake..i remember getting lost on the same street, early after Sandy, as I tried to figure easier roads to return.

The road was flooded, a  Halloween movie..

With that in mind..i remember how hard we worked and still worked..i sat down with Sesh and Tom too of my diehards for Sandy relief..Sesh my main construction manager, and inspiration…

And Big Tom, our Hopes retiree who went out for 20 months…as I went to pay the bill, the woman said thank you for all you do….thank you..for being here….so many still are not in..

Two years later…so many still are not in..

I called Tom McCarthy of breezy point…Tom…how are you man…he said Jimmy boy, we need to meet, your idea that Biden and Cuomo took, we  need to get the National Disaster university going….

On Jan 24, 2013 proposed a National Disaster University be created…at Suny Purchase the last speaker…to speak and the only one Ch 12 interviewed….i proposed with Cephan Kim interviewing me front of the now defunct Moreland commission, and commission that has been damaged for lack of credibility…that a university be created…stay tuned….Gov and Vice Pres needs to be given where credit is due….

More matter what party, both sides have not the capability nor the wsdom yet for recovery….16000 families still now in….unacceptable…..

Its time..stay tuned for my #Sandy special shows coming up…..


Yesterday our retirees helped us….and joined me for lunch..once a month we are joined…

We move ahead..we are blessed with so many who help us…the retirees with wisdom, financial support, sweat equity, families services and more are always there……God bless you!

Our work continues at our new Restore/greencenter/disaster center… with that in mind our grand opening is Oct 2nd…join us!!!!!!!!!!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

War on Poverty; Walk for Homes Sunday, Novermber 2, 2014


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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

FW: blog

Each second in life is question.

With that in mind, we pray, we work, we breathe, we are all we do..

Tony lost his home in a fire, we are helping him, met he and his family at 1030 at nite with the Alvarez..they have been taken advantage of, but we will fight..initially the landlord

Asked me to raise money for them, while he has made thousands upon thousands on them over the years…unacceptable..

We hit the ground running, like our troops did and still are doing in #Sandy question..

It is time, for us to change the way new York rolls….75 percent of nyc is surrounded by water..

The sound shore by ocean…hudson valley, well by the Hudson river, saw mill, Bronx river etc..with waters rising we have to build more resilient.we are there.

To that end..its time to redesign ny green, robert moses would not be happy, but his car happy highway happy overdevelopment usually through minority neighborhoods,

Causes much problems asthma and overdensity.

But we can change this..we can grow food, urban gardens, solar roofs, urban green hoods..NMU and yes its good to be in the hood!its time…




Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 

War on Poverty; Walk for Homes Sunday, Novermber 2, 2014


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Monday, September 15, 2014

FW: blog

On 911 the world was changed forever this 911 past week we had 300 volunteers, so grateful! From all over they came, from Greenwich, and Horace Mann and Goldman Sachs, and Avalon…from M and T Bank and Hastings high school and more… much work done..then we culminated with a day of our Young #Vetsclub working and celebrating each second together with a cookout in Battle  Hill…amazing!

With that in mind we continue, we are blessed to work to continue our Vets homes….we are blessed to move in five more Sandy families, we are blessed to live with freedoms  and love and life….its time to help…email to get involved, and please make a donation today!

God bless America!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

FW: blog

What a blessing as we come into Labor Day to be able to help with Habitat of Westchester…my thousands of volunteers who inspire me daily who give us to change live and save lives..from the hood to the hurricane..they are life changers and savers..i cannot  thank you enough. We welcome Meghan Kenia, who is now helping with Volunteers ..stay tuned….we will be now increasing across the county our outreach for volunteers..


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

FW: blog

#Saturdays   #habitatSaturdays…across the world, families do sweat equity…#volunteers help…in #Sandy #Westchester, in #Haiti, in #dominican republic, all over the world..amazing.

The Holy Spirit, the Ruah continues to bless us….we are so blessed to reach out to all cultures. We are also blessed to have our #youngvets club volunteer today..aiding us.. assisting us, to help dreams come true….

We work to change neighborhoods into NMU …No More Ugly..God gave us everything …to make every neighborhood safe, peaceful,, with jobs and homes..and more..

Amazing!  We continue… in all we do…to change lives, to make it make every one, no matter what faith, no matter what the theologyofthehammer, to have an opportunity for a great life, home, hood…join us and donate today too…



Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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Thursday, August 14, 2014

FW: blog

NMU means no more Ugly..

What does it mean to you..

No More Ugly..means No More Ugly neighborhoods for any kid, no more run down homes, no more run down lots, no more run down parks, no more run down stores..NMU thas the cry for sure! Are you with us..we have NMU captains being established NOW! Call me at 914 4034821..get your congregation or company out volunteering with us! NOW.! NMU all the time in westchester, its vitally needed..jjk


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

FW: blog

Today another 70 volunteers…where do we go from here..

70 volunteers that are neighborhood changers, life changers, changing others lives and there own..NMU in mt Vernon,

NMU..we say..thank you td bank..thankyou volunteers from goldman sachs..






Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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Thursday, July 31, 2014

FW: blog

This weekend we are rededicating our command center and our work in Hurricane Sandy at Christ Community Church.  We have had thousands of people go through that Church, we continue and rededicate our selves spiritually to continue to help those in need…those who need to be able to get back in their homes, to have less anxiety….we pray and work harder than ever!

With that in mind this week we helped work on five #Sandy relief homes..and we also helped to be able to finish the command center, as well as work on helping some one in the Rockaways get into an apartment with security, due to Sandy assistance funds running out….the case studies on all this will be amazing…we still are not ready for disaster…That is why I proposed to the now defunct #MorelandCommission, Jan 24, 2013 the  creation of a #NationalDisasterUniversity…where every utility worker in the country become certified…if NY goes under the country goes…in the midst of sandy relief I was invited after having been interviewed be #CefanKim of #news12…about my idea…to share my idea…in the midst of sandy relief still three months after…thick of things…we continued day to day…90 days ago the Governor and Vice President Joe Biden  announced the need for a national disaster university…what a great idea..haha,  we were not included nor invited..stay tuned.

We work harder than ever with our team and volunteers today in Sandy relief.

We also work in Yonkers and New Rochelle and Mt Vernon on the tri cities neighborhood inititiave..NRI..its GOOD TO BE IN THE HOOOD!  ..For sure… as I want to check early morning in Mt Vernon and New Rochelle today at 6am, like I do often, watering our gardens…helping to make them NMU..people come by and say..can I help you…like early evening Carolina Rodriguez, a great person, and actually a Miss Westchester contestant..She saw me in the garden stopped and she and her friend Vickie with other are going to help!   How goes your garden grow in the hood..with neighbors like Caroline and Vickie, or Janelle who helped in New Rochelle or DJ in Yonkers with Will…all wanting more green space in their neighborhoods…

As green goes up crime goes down…as home ownership goes up, education goes up and crime goes down…so we green every neighborhood..

Today we also build in Yonkers on #Veterans homes…Ivan and his family cant wait.  Thank you #GoldmanSachs for your continuing commitment to helping us.   We also yesterday closed on Rose Browns home In #whitePlains…an amazing feat to see done..congrads Rose, in memory of Ralph Degnan, who helped build it and passed, may you be blessed always and for generations to come….an amazing home…


May God bless you ..let the truth be known..may we go forth, to make this world much better…we HAVE TO! For future generations…..NMU..No More Ugly, Green and a simple decent home for all. jjk



Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

FW: blog


We target neighborhoods, revitalization, safety, hope, homes, gardens, goodnees, love, life, parks and people..everyone gets lifted up! Lets go….


We are targeting every neighborhood we are in…we are just beginning..our thousands of volunteers, schools that help, families that love us..we look forward to changing neighborhoods together…

The war on poverty, fifty years out, should have ended by now! We believe that and to that end…we continue….to change lives to change hoods help bring hope and homes…


SONO NEW ROCHELLE on Main St in New Rochelle south of north and all around..

BATTLE HILL BUSINESS DISTRICT..on Ashburton, from Warburton to Nepperhan..its good to be in the hood..

Help us…a full plan to revitalize…!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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