Dr Martin Luther King stated..Our goal is ot create a beloved community and th is will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.”
What changes happen..in our lives…what service do we do….this week all week, we have our 15th Annual Martin Luther King buildathon….we culminate at the end of the week
With volunteers from Temple Israel, Shiloh Baptist, Holy Family, Iona, Relig and more…..plus we have had twenty groups from last Sat…to this week coming…
It is the pinnacle of the kickoff of our year……We have a dream..that all can live in a simple decent home…..the mission continues…
The late Millard Fuller was eulogized in Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta….when I went for the service, presidents, paupers, people from all walks attended. Habitat started
In Koiononia farms in Americus, then to Zaire, formerly the Congo, then back to Ga. Then like wildfire has spread. Andrew Young former mayor and ambassador stated Jim,
It was so radical for black and white people to live together….we were told not to go there as kids.. is it still radical…are there communities you know still totally segregated…
For us ownership is the wealth builder, the bank, the home that changes histories of poverty, generations of them. Kids get a new point of reference, education goes up, crime goes down.
It all works together for the good. For the great!
We had Hispanic, Italian, African American, Caucasian, Asian, all walks of life working together today. A great blessing.
Dream with me…can you design simple decent homes and or coops or condos in your community…can you be the Dream Maker with Habitat of Westchester.
Also our work in Sandy for families just to get back in, continued with Fordham Alumni volunteering….Thank you!
The Mission continues, the Holy Spirit blesses us, we can do this! Join us. God bless you….
Jim Killoran, Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 403-4821
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