#FaithinAction tour today…luncheon…the Theology of the hammer, ministers, priests, rabbis, youth ministers all are welcome..
We move ahead, we lead, we continue..what a great important event and thank you Lisa Riccardi, our gala event volunteer, habitat volunteer par excellence.
We are asking each ministerial group to get involved, like Pelham, and Rev. Noel, who is sponsoring our Pelham LPC meeting there and selling two by fours at the Pelham fair.
The power of Gods love, movement, mustard Seed, #Ruah is amazing..if we don’t breathe in the spirit, the Ruah, Hebrew word for Spirit, we miss the ability to have a whole life..one of faith and action.
One of movement and helping, one of philanthropy of time, self and money, one of changing the world, tikkum elum, one of movete las montanas..moving mountains, in ways we could not believe.
Sometimes I am amazed of how much we have accomplished, taking on a hurricane, floods, building in the number one county that people leave for taxes, and cant afford..and having victory after victory for homeowners..do you think God is not working…get your congregation, no matter what faith involved now..join us in practice, living practice of the theology of the hammer.
Last up in #Peekskill yesterday, a city on the move, a city of destiny, a city of great people and history, we have built there many times. On Howard Avenue, rehabbing many homes in the city, helping paint the Housing Authority, and much more. With that in mind, we continue, we move, we make things happen. Great to be back in Peekskill, we will have an office there again. It is the only city in Westchester where a #president visited, Abraham Lincoln, until today, when President #Obama visits Tarrytown.
With that in mind, congrads Peekskill on all you are doing, it will be great to be back there. We are finishing a two bedroom condo there for a family, amazing. If interested in applying, email jim@habitatwc.org
Also thanks to #HenHudHighschool and #LakelandHighSchool, for kicking off the Northern Westchester high school club…amazing…Thanks to our teachers, guidance Counselor, Jessica Downey and Emily and Sam Nelson for their leadership in Hen Hud and Lakeland. The Excitement is building!
May God bless you and yours today, may we change and move mountains, from horrible housing and costs of living, to enjoying the earth we have and helping to make #NY and intergenerational, NY where people can live, young and old, seniors and Vets and more.
Jim Killoran, Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 403-4821
Spring into action; the next 25 years!
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