Early morning runs to our community gardens in #MtVernon and #NewRochelle.
The Gardens help to bring joy, NMU. No more Ugly a term I created, hope, beauty and love to people
We also have changed the Ashburton corridor as well with the gardens, green space is needed for sure..
Many volunteers help me from all over, no question..they plant, the clean, the come together in community knowing each others neighbors.
Last week I was invited to speak at the #Chappaqua community garden, helping to speak about community and home building there.
The leaders are making signs and on July 16th they are helping to sell them at the Farmers Market.
Main St NewRochelle Ashburton Yonkers and Mt Vernon Avneue Mt Vernon are all our neighborhoods of Habitat, of Gods neighborhoods, of the people.
We have pushed hard to stop heavy traffic accidents, and we also help push for crosswalks, buttons, beauty, NMU…sometimes the they don’t like speaking up by us,
But they have to fix the problems…People have environmental injustice…..happening all the time….just this week three accidents on Main St….in SoNO Newrochelle
In the Gateways.. I ran out, two elderly people hit from behind in their car, and the driver was dizzy, falling into the street, walking in circles, I calmed him, had him sit back in
While calling the police and ambulance and ended up driving their car to the hospital, ….this happens often….it has to stop. A car went through our old restore, at 524 main
And then it went through two other storefronts, speeding at octavios and also the former clark realty..speeding,…they life.
Main st needs tobe Main St again……
Mt Vernon avenue, speeding happens too..our planter program…green planters, as green goes up crime goes down, changes the concrete jungles into streets and neighborhoods again..
Government responds slowly, too slow, but the people need to get involved in their neighborhoods..the lack of voting for officials is at a dismal low in NY, and in our neigbhborhoods,
We encourage voter registration too, and community participation……however elected officials come and go..but people stay and live.they are the main stay….like us..
Join us the excitement is building and growing and changing highways to neighborhoods again..
With that in mind we will have three cookouts in the our gardens in the abovementioned areas..join us!