Friday, October 07, 2016

FW: blog

We are off and running,  to a great school year…we continue, we work, we move ahead.

With that in mind, we build, rebuild, we help tring to help families live and have a home…yet we are in the toughest

County in the world for people to live.  The reason is that we have the highest taxes, we have people living in substandard housing

Right in our block, in newrochelle,  we have no design to help meet the working peoples need to have a home.

In the capital of the world, we are not number one In creativity. We helped a family get their assistance so that they could live after having illegally being placed in an apartment that they could not live in, we gave them furniture from our Restore for free, like the 181 families we have helped receive support from our organization. So many have no place to move to , to live…..

We continue….we need your help and support, we are building in ten towns and cities right now, building all over, helping rehab seniors homes,

Helpng people to be able to exist so people can have a simple decent home, please donate to help us change the face of families lives from sadness to hope, join us!

Donate today, God bless you