Its Friday morning, im tired, this weekend we have 7 events, but the added bonus of assisting more than 86 fire victims locally within walking distance of our headquarters has caused a challenge to us like none other.
The crisis of affordable housing grows in NewRochelle…86 people displaced in last 5 days, in three separate fires.. people stuffed in some of the buildings like sardines, because they cant afford high rents, while the gentrification of families and small businesses comes…..
It makes no sense.. I fear a loss of life, of ressidents, police or firefighters, of people who are in need of help and wont be able to get out, of substandard housing and electrical wires put everywhere that make no sense and are danger daily to those living there..
Along with that in the journal news yesterday there was an article in journal news on Mt Kisco being sued on lack of code enforcement on immigrant housing.
This can have ramifications for each municipality, where there is a lack of building inspectors, lack of code enforcement therefore, and lack of quality affordable housing opportunities…The crisis continues.
A dire warning…loss of life Is around the corner, lawsuits will abound, and all for the lack of not making affordablility a reality.
Our mission continues stronger than ever, how dow e help citizens and those that work here, live decently, not die and communities that are safe. Its winter and its only begun….stay tuned..these are scary times,
We have our disaster teams that go out, our volunteers that deploy our headquarters that gets transformed into a disaster center, and more.
If you want to help our efforts please donate online to
Jim Killoran, CEO
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 636-8335 ext. 101
Join our Homes for the Holidays Campaign! Your donation helps move our families in for the Holidays! Visit
Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too.

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