Thursday, August 23, 2007

FW: blog

Next two weeks become the busiest for us into the fall season..even the summers now many groups, companies, etc all want to come volunteer with us, what a blessing...with that in mind  we have been involved with assisting so many from here to bedford, yonkers to yorktown, from mt kisco to mt vernon.. Yesterday i was fortunate to work with kids from Harvey school and Fox lane school. These schools are ones which help to get kids involved so much. We are looking forward to seeing Harvey start a new habitat club this year and as well as Fox Lane being the strongest one going in the county. The Bedford site is right near by so it was a blessing to be able to see the  youth out there working. I also visited the New Rochelle High School football team, some ofthe kids there are looking forward to be part of TEAM HABITAT again like last year, where they worked on Mr. Ponds home, a great blesing for all. Also the Rye Hockey team and league will be joining us shortly to assist us with helping us in so many ways in building new homes as part of team join our TEAM, build with us.. be with us pray with us, help us...without you another family does not have one...EVERYONE A HOME!!!!!! LETS DO IT NOW.. God bless, Jim Killoran

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