911, September 11 2001 to 2007, what have we learned..what have we done, where do we go from here...Last nite as i have done each sept 10th, I went to ground zero to pray...to remember and to remind myself about the lives lost...As i sat in front of a new deli, police walked by stating "that is where the triage center was"...cranes were everywhere, even on Ground zero still working....booths and seats for families and dignitaries were prepared...for the site..prepared to remember , to have ceremonies this morning...to remember...what a difficult day..yet today we do something positive, we work on two homes, and tomorrow and the next day and the next...we help families move in.. Thanks to Avalon and two professional carpenters and all who will join us today to help volunteer to remember..to come out on the sites, to dedicate this day for someone and remember..like Alex Ciccone of New Rochelle and David Silver...I havent seen their great families for awhile..but i pray for them and dedicate my day to these families, Holly had her daughter who was precious and grows up without a dad..
This whole week so many come out to join us...
as I continued to walk around Ground Zero..the cemetary at Trinity church seemed like it was only a small section now of a cemetary that went from one Liberty plaza to Century 21 to the Deutsche Bank building..to 7th avenue and everywhere in between...
Let us Rise Up...as Bruce Springsteen's song states ...in the Rising...and let us contnue to remember that on 911 the world was changed forever, this 911 come out and change the world...
Last nite before i went to Ground Zero..i attended the Flood meeting of the village of Mamoroneck...let us also today remember the flood victims of Mamoroneck, New Rochelle Portchester, Rye, Harrison and surrounding areas...Let us not be at war as communties over parochial interests but fix the problem...Yesterday we solidified our GreenBuilding Conference at iona College a section which will include changing your home to a more sustainable site...along with experts who can talk about our environment and our building...9-1pm..Spellman Hall We must hold the process to scrutiny for fixing the watersheds, so homes will not be lost again.
God bless, a prayer for all today, and people of all faiths and no faiths, to come together in changing the world together for the better...jjk
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