Friday, December 28, 2007

FW: blog


Everyday is gift..writing this from NOLA, talking to Rovella a great employee at starwood hotels...
the people, the music the food make Norleans she says, and the faith, you gotta keep that  has been a most successful trip planning for the New Yorlenas express, with a mardi gras event, and silent art auction raising support for our trip here in March to continue to help this great city rebuild... I am proposing a national conference on community service here with corporations...Yesterday I had a great lunch wtih Exec Dir. Jim Pate of New Orleans habitat, after i went out the ninth ward, and visted families and staff...we had helped build homes for there, we were joined by Flo Sno who we helped relocate back to New Orleans here, with her two great kids after they were displaced to New York from the Katrina migration...Katrina, Jim Pate, states that few people remember life pre Katrina...headlines in newspapers mark articles about recvery still, it should be a blessed year for NOrleans with the people here seeing two Bowl games, and mardi gras early, the economy looks bright..but the housing needs to come back..and that is why were are here, so Rovella and Stacy and Flo and Erica and Sharon and their families can all relocate back to live here, it is our American responsibility and Christian and Jewish and Muslim responsibility......

As i called back on conference call with my team, I pray for our construction in new york, i read  a Wall Stret Journal aritcle of Public housing designed creatively across the country, with dignity and  pride, rather than drab and depressing design...the New Yorleans express will see amazing things this year of 2008 coming, some of you have made  online donations to us, and you will amazing things this year by Habitat of Westchester, the Excitement has just begun and is building in ways that EVERYONE CAN HAVE A question, with gratitude for New Orleans New Rochelle Metarie and Mt Kisco, and the towns and cities that we are all blessed to live in wtih freedom, jjk

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