Thursday, January 03, 2008

FW: blog


everyday is question in life..if we were to look at the ways in which God has worked in our life today, we would realize, what gifts we have..the people who cross our lives, the friends, even the troublemakers who come in front of us...what do we do do we respond, how do we appreciaate...

For me for those who help me with the mission of Habitat, it is a true gift..tonite it is one of the coldest nites of the winter.. no question...a roof, warmth,food, friends, ah but who tonite cannot dream, who is traveling long distances because no affordable homes..what children, have no home to sleep in,  like the mom and child who came in today, or the disabled person elderly, who called for Brush with Kindness..or the immigrant family who is in small apartment, having to have left their home, due to no work and the father dieing, all true stories...the song says, Oh Baby it is cold question, it is warm inside..can we help make it warm for someone who has no home, can we build more dream homes!!!! This is the year of Jubilee to do it..with gratitude. j

See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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