GREEN DESIGN TEAM MEMBERS STAND UP....join us, I have two architects ready to get on board and we can use more to give your expertise, with your input on designing our downtowns with Green proposals that will not be just luxury, but rather affordable condos...i have some drawings in, but need your input, there are many downtowns...Our Youth..Our Seniors, our Workforce need you..for the future...the future, is there one..its up to all of us to change it now...we can turn things back and make them better than before...
Yesterday I spoke to a pedicab company who is willing to help Habitats efforts and my efforts to make downtown Green no question...this opportunity is one where we have excellent support..and many businesses and residents want to see my Alternative Transportaton Club get off the ground with things such as these..stay tuned....
Why you might ask..because we need to have different ways we transport ourselves, different ways we commute, and not I took my six mile prayer walk in the city yesterday.. i could see why a proposal I read about free transportation by an advocate Ted Kheel, having validity....just like Mayor Bloombergs proposal for affordable homes, congestion pricing and
Last during this time of Passover and Lent, pray for our world, for our country and our county, and for our moving ahead, no matter what background you are...with great grattiude..
ps make a donation to our Green Initiatives, our future depend upon it...
Delicious ideas to please the pickiest eaters. Watch the video on AOL Living.
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