Monday, March 24, 2008

FW: blog


Easter Sunday... a great day of blessing.. I was fortunate to have a little time to pray and read Don Pipers book, 90 minutes in heaven, if you have not read it, then you are missing something....i also worked in our Restore, meeting people from Sri Lanka, Mexico, Poland,Moroco,  USA Tunisia...Kenya, and columbia...

como esta, sallaam halakeem, Yachshimach, Asante, merci beaucoup.all saying glad to be here......what a country we are blessed to live in, coming in, to share be happy free of fear, the immigrant America my grandparents came from , Ireland, to be better and help us have the American Dream..for all of you dreammakers, may you be blessed for your support...amazing things will happen to you if you believe in the one God that loves us...that is what today is about, that is what Gods love and Jesus love is about...join us and help us.. jjk

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