Tuesday, May 27, 2008

FW: blog


Thomas Paine, the author of the American Revolution....a hero for our times?  why not..Common sense seems to be something wehave lost so much..but the spirit of returning to common sense is just waiting for us to bring it out, for God to bless us with us..for us to realize community is vital, affordable homes a necessity, and getting out of cars and into the streets, helping one another the spirit of life.....so important..so vital...

to this end we dedicate this summer as a summer of common sense.. a summer of all of us working together...perhaps not traveling as much, perhaps appreciating the communities we live in...perhaps really using common sense with a knowledge of the past, and a vision for the future...so heres to Thomas Paine, to lack of greed, and ending need, and to starting a simple Revolution of Common Sense in 2008...stay tuned..God bless you this Memorial Day weekend, jjk

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