Friday, November 07, 2008


A great day, a closing for a mom and her four kids quesion, in Bedford, yes, a beautiful home there, built with love, by Chuck an d Wayne, and rich and steve and Juan, and Fox Lane and Bedford Presbyterian and Rippowam School and St. Mathews and the Bedell Fund and in partnership wth Blue mountain and the give is to be blessed, is the belief and reality, and those who give..are blessed... a neighbor in Bedford stated, I am a good neighbor, make tall trees so i cant see the house..this person who said he went to church, has to look long and hard..if he thinks he will be blessed..after a heated discussion with him, i told him i would pray for him, that his faith was a joke if he believed that was being a good neighbor, and that a new day was coming....this is kind of whast we need to think about in westchester..i will help in nicaragua, i will help in yonkers, i will help and be a good Christian, jew Muslim in Mt Vernon or NYC, but wait..put the trees up and the fence and economic,ethnic and racial barrier in my town, on my plot line, in my school walls, in my my pew....what do we think God will bless that???? so now in the time of CHANGE, WATCH...those who had much will have little those who gave much will have lots, those who embraced will survive, those who planted trees, will see them die...God bless you all, pray for that person, pray for Westchester, and real change, in your congregation, school, pew, town, home, and heart...jjk

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