Tuesday, December 30, 2008
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New Years is a day away..every day can be New Year though if we want…I am asking you New Years morning to pray for our mission…the important mission of creating simple decent homes throughout this county.. no question..to create a local project committee in your town….start with a prayer of THANKSGIVING if you can, that you have a home for you and or your family..that you have friends, that you can read this, that we have much to be JOYFUL over for 2008 and for the future of 2009, NO QUESTION…NO MATTER WHAT WE HAVE IT IS ENOUGH…just think you are not a refugee having been migrated from home to home, you are not an elderly person whose pipe brokes this week…Zazz a great friend who got the police to come out and build with us from New Rochelle, came by the ROCK..RESTORE LAST NITE…the Norman Rockwell Restore we have created at 591 Main ..more to follow on that…Zazz volunteered with us, stated, Jim went by the Yonkers homes we worked on with the guys..look great..Jim can you come with me in the morning an elderly man on the west end has no water, no heat, 75 with a mom 90…had no money for oil..what can you do for him…in his own Zazz way…great guy..works hard..knows when to ask and what to do..we will go this morning to help this gentleman with our Brush with Kindness outreach…
Be glad that you have running water today.. we also have 240 volunteers in Mexico with a group Ray Melvedt started and I about 15 years ago…not thousands go over the border to club dust, Ray and I and his wife met in Paterson NJ my first Habitat board of directors and we helped raise money for some of the many first homes…there..a plague on my wall goes back to 1989..which means I started there at least in 1988…20 years with Habitat..With hope, with helping with the Holy Spirit, the Ruah of Hanukkah and of Christmas and yes of Ramadan of the one God that loves us and gives us breathe…so Rejoice,join us in Prayer New Years Day if you can…and be Grateful..and this year like in the book of Kings and Nehemiah, we will REBUILD LIKE NEVER BEFORE.. GOD BLESS YOU..JJK
Monday, December 29, 2008
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A day to start the week before New Years..New Years eve.. It is a chance to say ok, where do we go from here, how do I look at my life, our lives, our organization this week and move ahead to set goals for us to be able to make this the best organization, to make our own lives the best personally as well and our family lives…we can get caught up in the hype and reality as well as of the challenges for today..but every time in history has had challenges…and these challenges, even though new in our lifetime, will call us to get back to basics in community..
For us how do we move into the next twenty years…Here are some of our goals and I will add to them each day of the week.
A New Urbanism model..including Main Street . And affordable homeownership…
As mentioned who has heard of Main Street over the past years..very few.. who has heard of Wall street losing precedence in discussion over Main Street ..Habitat is a Main Street type organization.. as a matter of fact our wrok to have home ownership and condos within distance of local transportation is paramount to our vision for Greener communities, combined with public transportation, increased biking, increased trolleys for instance, and condos that are really affordable in the downtowns…for all economic backgrounds…looking at a collective as we can have a nice home in a nice town, but if our family is burdened by taxes, or no public transportation, it becomes difficult…However nice towns need affordable homes too, for the teachers, municipal workers, janirors, tellers, who have to travel in and out of those towns to help run them…with overpriced gas and commuting and polluting over the Tappan Zee Bridge…
So we hope to create a New Urbanism Model this year, that is Green and you will hear more about it this year for sure..
Tomorrow discussion of LPCs all over the county!
By the way each day I will name at least five groups who I can think to thank for their particpation this past year.
Like the Lions group…the Lions Internationally and nationally and locally are on fire for Habitat, I must thank them for all they have done and do…
A shout out to the Lions club members..who are meeting with us in Somers who want to help us with a project…there, stepping up big with us. As a Lions Members I am honored to see so many clubs involved with us….
Also shout out to the Whalen family who gave us a great Christmas gift in the form of their holiday party, they had people bring tools and donations and they were a big help to us in a strong way there…
Also thanks to St. Augustines Church, who have gotten involved annually with our Walk for Homes….at their church in the fall, as well as helping with all the flood victims and for Anne Avenius there..
Great Gratitude also goes out to youth groups like Tikkum Elum, climbing Jacobs ladder and Habitats ladder to heal the world, to help us and to help reach out to others with us across the county…and to Resurrection youth group who recently got out with us to help us with their faith in action service on a Mamoroneck Flood home..
Each of these is vitally important for us, each of these and there are many more to follow in the corporate world…like Diversified Advisors and others who we will cite during the week, It has been a blessed year because of all of you and will be a great 2009 because of you!
With gratitude, JJK
Friday, December 26, 2008
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One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
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Every day is gift, every person that comes into our Restore gets a sense of Christmas love..by Mary or Cece or me, or Tom or our staff and volunteers.. and we hope the same for all the volunteers who come to our site…
I think of the many families too, who have homes now, from here to New Orleans and Argentina and India and Asia where we have tithed too..
Oh the Spirit of Christmas runs deep in Habitat…the same spirit of Hannukkah or of the Muslim friend who came in today and wished me Merry Christmas with a big hug…so your donation to us helps Christmas be every day, your donation in good thought or prayer or hope for a better tomorrow…2009 will be a profound year for us ..no question in changing the face of this county,with the Spirit of Christmas in our heart and hands, and in our hope and the Spirit of community that binds us all together no matter what faith..Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
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One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now.
Monday, December 22, 2008
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Heres to a great Christmas week and 8 days of Hannukkah..what a time..what a Holy Week for sure…we have so much to be thankful for..so many people to be grateful for..on cold mornings I like to open the restore at 7am so many can come in and be warm…one woman comes in.. you are all a God send..we helped her fax to her mom and son, at our office.. three others come in, pray for my son, who was in court.. pray for my son in law…here are toys Jimmy to give away, I know you will give them to someone good…like Santa..we are blessed to GIVE…the whole reason for the week is to be THANKFUL AND TO GIVE….so to all of you we are blessed to be part of Habitat and for all of you who GIVE WE ARE THANKFUL..IN TIME HEART. IN MONEY AND INKIND LABOR, IN PRAYER AND THOUGT..HERES TO THE REAL WEEK OF GIVING, THIS BEING HOLY WEEK FOR JEWS AND CHRISTIANS ALIKE..AND LIKE THE MENORRAH… WE WONT RUN OUT OF OIL…WE HAVE ENOUGH.. WE HAVE EACH OTHER, AND WE CAN GIVE..J
Saturday, December 20, 2008
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Friday, December 19, 2008
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One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
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One site keeps you connected to all your email: AOL Mail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Try it now.
Monday, December 15, 2008
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Everyday is Christmas in Habitat, and Hannukkah and a holy day…no question..
With homes being built..volunteers helping, Tikkum elum comes out yesterday a youth group..how do we start, how do we move ahead, where do we begin…oh this was the flood area they ask..youth in action, Years ago a friend shared with me about "TO HEAL THE WORLD." Like climbing Jacobs ladder..moving up daily to make the world a better place.. Hebrew in word, loving in theology..like Abraham Heschel or Mother Teresa, who I met in her lifetime. We are all called to heal the world daily…to change it, to be agents of change with love and community building, be in our church or synagogue..or in our temple or company, or in our home or on the street…you will be amazed if daily you start with a little Prayer, Lord let me change the world for a better place today…that is why each of us is here on earth..
In Habitat we believe it comes in the form of safe warm, clean decent simple homes. For families, working together, like a big Kibbutz,, like a Communidad de Base..like a company on a team building mission to drive profits, only in this case prophetically…so join us this holiday season..to me coming from the term Holy…for the next ten days, I am calling the ten days of Christmas I ask you to join in Healing the world..sacrificing, or fasting…and to make a commitment to help our mission that much more….with a dollar, with a hammer, with a window, with a day volunteering…remember our families..this Dec 18th we have our Holiday Party at New Rochelel high school for our families, all helping us and coming to join us….even some New Orleans families..so join us..God bless you!!!!!!!with gratitude. JJK
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Friday, December 12, 2008
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008
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Monday, December 08, 2008
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Sunday, December 07, 2008
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Today we try at our headquarters and in mamoroneck and on the sites more importantly to have the Christmas Spirit, the Hanunkkah Spirit, the Kwanza Spirit of giving, working and helping…
At our headquarters.. Iona singers, come and join us with carols..on Main street . For the town.
We also have Santa all at noon,
Along with that we are selling 2 x4s at the A and P in Mamoroneck selling them so people can sign them and they go into the house we re rebuilding the flood home…so here we go, we are looking at interesting times for sure..but by a 2 x 4 and help someone have a home today or tomorrow..
With all that in Mind the Spirit of Christmas is Giving..God bless you all!!!!
Ps, stay focused, be hopeful and helpful and remember Habitat for Humanity of Westchester in your prayers and support.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
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Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Life should be easier. So should your homepage. Try the NEW AOL.com.