A day to start the week before New Years..New Years eve.. It is a chance to say ok, where do we go from here, how do I look at my life, our lives, our organization this week and move ahead to set goals for us to be able to make this the best organization, to make our own lives the best personally as well and our family lives…we can get caught up in the hype and reality as well as of the challenges for today..but every time in history has had challenges…and these challenges, even though new in our lifetime, will call us to get back to basics in community..
For us how do we move into the next twenty years…Here are some of our goals and I will add to them each day of the week.
A New Urbanism model..including Main Street . And affordable homeownership…
As mentioned who has heard of Main Street over the past years..very few.. who has heard of Wall street losing precedence in discussion over Main Street ..Habitat is a Main Street type organization.. as a matter of fact our wrok to have home ownership and condos within distance of local transportation is paramount to our vision for Greener communities, combined with public transportation, increased biking, increased trolleys for instance, and condos that are really affordable in the downtowns…for all economic backgrounds…looking at a collective as we can have a nice home in a nice town, but if our family is burdened by taxes, or no public transportation, it becomes difficult…However nice towns need affordable homes too, for the teachers, municipal workers, janirors, tellers, who have to travel in and out of those towns to help run them…with overpriced gas and commuting and polluting over the Tappan Zee Bridge…
So we hope to create a New Urbanism Model this year, that is Green and you will hear more about it this year for sure..
Tomorrow discussion of LPCs all over the county!
By the way each day I will name at least five groups who I can think to thank for their particpation this past year.
Like the Lions group…the Lions Internationally and nationally and locally are on fire for Habitat, I must thank them for all they have done and do…
A shout out to the Lions club members..who are meeting with us in Somers who want to help us with a project…there, stepping up big with us. As a Lions Members I am honored to see so many clubs involved with us….
Also shout out to the Whalen family who gave us a great Christmas gift in the form of their holiday party, they had people bring tools and donations and they were a big help to us in a strong way there…
Also thanks to St. Augustines Church, who have gotten involved annually with our Walk for Homes….at their church in the fall, as well as helping with all the flood victims and for Anne Avenius there..
Great Gratitude also goes out to youth groups like Tikkum Elum, climbing Jacobs ladder and Habitats ladder to heal the world, to help us and to help reach out to others with us across the county…and to Resurrection youth group who recently got out with us to help us with their faith in action service on a Mamoroneck Flood home..
Each of these is vitally important for us, each of these and there are many more to follow in the corporate world…like Diversified Advisors and others who we will cite during the week, It has been a blessed year because of all of you and will be a great 2009 because of you!
With gratitude, JJK
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