Amazing where we all live..take nothing for granted..look athe buildings, structures, apartments, homes..truly amazing..
Excited to hear about new initiatives out of the adminstrastion, we hope this will help more people live better…today we are honored to host a number of affiliates that are coming from around the region, to work together…to look at sharing, pujrchasing together, best construction practicies, from all over..a great thing for sure…also we will hold our downtown association meeting, one which we hope will help incorporate a model of integrating people into areas with public transporation and affordable homes…with green practices..exciting..
So join us on our Green train of homes, energy and love if you will for one another and the communities where we live in..we take so much for granted…
A note oin tithing and a note on our New Yorleans express.
First Tithing..we tithed this year already to help build homes in Argentina…a great thing we have sent tithers there and recently to Kenya and to Ivory cost..we will be letting you more about this important aspect..we are being faithful in our work for sure….to God to tithing, and then here we are faithful to our local work..
Local: yesterday we had a great cionversation with the Fire Commissioner of New Rochelle and development director…about a house we may save and get afamily into ….stay tuned, thank you Doc Kiernan and Craig King..
New Yorleans express: the ship is running and the weekend before Fat Tuesday will be a fun one, before Mardi Gras where we will have an event at harley Davidson, a talk on New Orleans, a Mardi Gras party and more, for Sharon Carew and her son and mom..stay all happens here.. God bless, jjk