In the early morning one can gather their thoughts, pray and ask for guidance for a great day. Often they are productive times ....for those of us Early Risers on the Habitat team, know that every one of your intentions will be lifted up, during our prayer time, on Tuesdays..for our readers, and email recipients, as well as all days...we ask you say one for us. Know it is with Thanksgiving we say these for you.
Today a Historic Day, the Inauguration of Obama...its like his name is so unique..we call him by one name.. we need to pray for his leadership as he moves ahead and all those around him. please join us this morning in that prayer.
We celebrated a day of Service yesterday, and grateful for Ch. 12 and the Journal News for hiliting our Service we do.. before Obama, and it was in vogue to help, we have been honored to be in neighborhoods of diversity, with a gift to be there, to be part of the neighborhood to be allowed to enter in and help build and rebuild areas for improving quality of lives of our familiies there.....and our neighbors...what a gift this is for us.
And we also go in now with Energy Eyes...what are Energy Eyes...really looking to see how we can also save Energy for our families and neighbors...sounds strange but that is part of the whole package if you will of caring about our families.. Since 1997 we have been on the cutting edge of helping to save our families Energy with better utlities, healther lifestyles..and trying to keep utilities low with SIP panels..These panels are Structured Insulated Panels, with a higher R value in their makeup..
Stay tuned for more..
So here we are on Inauguration Day, grateful to be in Service, in parntership with our families, with you, with neighborhoods and muncipalities, and with Gods Spirit, the one that has guided the Theology of the Hammer, the mitzvahs, the Christian Charity, the Muslim helping, the in all we matter what faith or no faith, it is a great time of SERVICE TO CHANGE OUR COMMUNITIES AGAIN FOR THE BETTER..GOD BLESS, jjk
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