Friday, August 06, 2010

FW: blog...wayne forward my outlook emails to my jkill

visting my homeland today in the commonwealth of Massachusetts....Worcester Ma...second largest city in New England great stock from my folks, my aunts uncles, sisters, cousins and more...all blessed to have lived here...we took it for granted..but from a former cousin a city manager, to police and court officers to bank and principals..we done good..thank God!  Habitat is here..i was on the board and will visit some homes as well as my family tomorrow...everyone a home...we housing style is often reflected in what is called three ..apts, or condos, with three floors....having been born on the top of one, and my mom talking about bringing the coal for the winter up the stairs...glad to see so many still here...perhaps a little more creativity could be added, but still simple decent homes...I heard about solar panels being put on a senior center...WTAG the first radio station, our WVOX, had greats like Tony Randall start there...Denis Leary, Rich Gedman, all of my St Peters well as Matt Morse principal...

working class city, in the heart of the commonwealth, much like Yonkers a city of your hometown or city be blessed tonite..may you remember from where you where you how you help and change your own community..may all live in a simple decenthome...i started the day in NY, with a doctor from Mt sinai...who went to Haiti..he wanted my input...Claude Jeudy emails me from Haiti this morning...we are working on amazing things to change Haiti...stay tuned...from Worcester to Westchester and Westchester to Worcester...and Delmar to Petionville, Port Au Prince...the world is smaller, communities and home towns can be rebuilt and the dream of simpe decent homes for all across the earth ....continue...God blessyou and yours...jjk

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