What a time in history…we wake up the news talks about Bear markets…Haiti still recovers..Japans radiation is at highest though no one really knows…
Pickets on wall street demeaned, though the right to public forum is what this country was founded upon..the market goes down more than ever since 2008..and jobs get sent overseas…but we are still here..
Let this be known with Gods help, and yours…as the Age of Volunteerism..the Age of Veterans, the Age of Victory!
We need to get every group volunteering…..now that ive seen cities and towns do nothing during the great times of economic boom and then do less during this time…it is time for the Age of Volunteerism….we can TAKE IT BACK! For kids and for teens and for all families and seniors and Vets…and you.
And we will do it with our hands, hearts, sweat equity and hope..
This is a week of hope for Habitat…and Habitat intl. Today I spoke at New Rochelle high school…to the club of hope..and tomorrow when my leaders come, we see hope in the form of youth volunteerism at the fifteenth anniversary of the Age of Volunteerism..of High schools in this county..helping us..
From that we move the Age of Veterans..the age of where we celebrate those who have protected us..from Vietnam, to Korea to WWII and more..
We send volunteers today to help with helping to repair a Marines monument today..tomorrow a Purple heart Leader Victoria comes in and helps..James comes in, and we move to repair Kens home in Somers, and Mrs D home in New Rochelle, both Veterans who will receive support…from Habitat s new partnership with the Home Depot Foundation….
With all that in mind, we are so blessed to be here to be protected to be helped by Vets.
Last it has to be an age of Victory..God wants us to have Victory again …not in the form of killing one another but victory in loving one another..in victory in helping one another, in victory in growing our own food, building our own homes, creating our own products and jubs..and having a new Vision for the future. With this we continue….
I dedicate this to my son Joseph..who gives me victory, whose birthday is this week and whose love as a son is always there.
God bless us all…
Jim Killoran
Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
524 Main Street
New Rochelle, NY
Office: 914-636-8335x101