Tuesday, December 13, 2011

FW: blog

The elves are rising..working, diligently, in the Restores…on the sites..in the air, on the ground…(on the roof)..helping us to be able to move ahead…

To be able to build into the future..to be able to celebrate holidays for families….we had our holiday family dinner at New Rochelle High school…our habitat high school elves..were working hard, feeding our families…many families..like Africo who lost his wife this year, but has six kids..like Mtiou who is on the team…with her family..like Sheila who is waiting to move into the zero energy home..like Sherlyne who waits to get into home..

We are moving ahead with your help..we will get there, we need your help..to help finish the homes..with support..a donation is needed now more than ever..


Seeing Natalie, now working full time, with two great kids..with her mom..who comes in..who celebrates their home, they started to build..when Natalie was ten years old…living there for years…what a blessing…

Or like the M family…who wishes to remain anonymous, who brought their kids..who love their home in a city we love here in New Rochelle..

Like Natalia whose kids are getting big..who are doing great in school….in Mt Vernon…like Mr Rubins and Ms Lastarita who help us so much..

To this end the cafeteria was filled with Habitat families..and habitat high school volunteers and your heart with your donation that made it happen…God bless you!!!!!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY


Office: 914-636-8335x101




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