Monday, February 28, 2011

FW: blog

Early morning preparation for Haiti trip…my cfos wife, a doctor, calls, did you get your Hepatitis shot..did you  take malaria pills….what a great team I have around me daily…Wayne, her husband..guides us in financial prudence, and computer acumen, for our infrastructure…a CFO CPA..Jason my associate director, runs, thinks, commands, helps..welcoming volunteers, building depts. And more..Mary Bonner our board president, 8 day a week volunteer, from day one has been helping with a listening guide to important decisions, she knows so well, from running a school district, and now helping Habitat so much…on and on and on..the construction team..Juan, and Steve Bilosi, Steve Hagerty, Rodney Bynum, our per diem staff, our retirees, Rich Rodrigue, Tom and CC and all, I have missed thousands…my son Daniel..who picks up Restore supplies, with strength and Joey who comes in and makes my day…kelvin, even the community service volunteers…who help to build..who come to the site,then others like Sis, and Marty and families…what a great life I thank you everyone here, who helps me look good with my strengths and weaknesses at the helm, to the board, to the volunteers to the donors…thank you!

Haiti, I will meet with Claude Jeudy Monday after a tour of Leogon..what a great man..his only family displaced..he runs around the country, the world, raising support and awareness…sitting with presidents..of countrys, present and former, and world leaders, he has spoken in Washington NY and all over the rebuilding of Haiti..thank you claude..merci mon ami..and Kembe Fem..

So become one of the thousands, join our vital mission!!!!!!!

 A special shout out of thanks to St. Pius youth group who worked so hard rehabbing..deconstructing salvaging for our Restore today……God bless…The Excitement is Still building!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




FW: reflections from Haiti

An interesting day...just met Dr.Farmer,here, who has written books and been written committed to Haiti in ways not seen for helping those in medical need....then during the day i am two hours from Port Au part of the journey, and a daughter from a Haitian woman comes and i see here at the place I am at...last year with help from local new rochelle pharmacies, we met on the top of a mnountain Keskopf to deliver to needy families there, ....


The odds of that happening....afte rhaving also startred to readh Dr. Farmers book today...were



reflections on a ay in Haiti....the caspital buildsing are still down, the finance building under rubble..

the General Hospital where ihelped to visit people last yaer inj thier driveway as the walls of thehopsital were reconstructed....and the need for homes is more prevalent than ever



while writing this, my internet service goes off...then comes back on...ithappens...

Also today saw Yclef Jean andmajor political leaders need to come about

more Farmers and more Jeudys, who help[ deliver relifer and will help with long lasting infrastructure for a nouvell Haiti...Kembe Fem Haiti, Kembe Fem New Rocehlle stay strong...Good nite





-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Cox <>
To: jkill59385 <>
Sent: Sun, Feb 27, 2011 8:20 pm
Subject: Re: test email from jim at habitat

it worked!

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 6:51 PM, <> wrote:



Friday, February 25, 2011

FW: blog

We had a visit from Julio and his wife…their baby was killed about 12 years ago in a tough neighborhood…we moved their family into a good home..out of harms way into a home.. a safe neighborhood…the Hollows, with nine habitat homes there…another familys son was shot.. in another neighborhood..we m oved them into the safe neighborhood..God watches over our families I believe that….it doesn’t mean that they don’t have challneges or trials..but with prayer for all of them…and walls of love….new neighborhoods arise, and new homes are built…people often like to state, they wont make it..prejudice..but  Julios son was waiting for the bus the other..with a tie,    going to work after he had graduated college…..of course…with that in mind, God is great ! seeing our families make it and move ahead, into hope and homes..from hell and harm..well.. you are part of helping us…wont you saya prayer today..wont you donate to our Tree Street inititiavies…wont you help us with our Peekskill initiatives…

Tomorrow I go to Haiti, Feb 25th.. a mission face finding trip four days, to see the work we have supported here, building more than 50 of the two thousand plus homes Habitat of Haiti has built.

Then our armies come in…first West Point college kids, then other college kids come in to build…140 strong.. we are so blessed…please make a donation today, you are changing lives……


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Wednesday, February 23, 2011

FW: blog

The day moves ahead, we go to salvage three homes..if you know someone knocking down a home, call us, we salvage, restore reuse, and help build homes all over the county with our sales at our Restores…this helps us save tons from the environment, and helps su to build more homes….the waste we create, which could be reused is unbelievable..i have been a culprit of this..but when we realize our earth resources are limited, and it costs to throw things away, and it ruins the environment, and people could use things..well it makes sense… a homeless veteran and his family needs help…we get a call from city hall in mt Vernon, can you help them with furniture..we do this with no question…the family lives decently now….an immigrant family moves into an apartment, they buy things at our restore, carpet, books fo r their kids, a winter our new Rochelle store….antique dealers come in early..they see the best things they know have value….SO COME VISIT OUR RESTORES, SAVE GREEN, BUY GREEN, BUILD GREEN…HABITAT OF WESTCHESTER LEADING THE CHARGE…


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FW: blog

Back in 1991 I helped plant a community garden on the Lower East Side.. E tenth and Avenue C. sometimes I would get chased by drugged out people, dealers would look suspicious, but once they knew who you were, you co weeds with good flowers…people and communities are sometimes like garden.  We took Frank Rivera, who later died of aids..Joe Raffa, the same..homeless people..program people, Williams Volunteers from the Alumni and st. Josephs college Maine volunteers and helped take a rubbled lot, next to a garden, and grow it  into a center of neighborhood action tot his day! Going green in our urban area,…on your rooftop, in your tree streets..which have no trees, is amazing…we had volunteers today on our tree streets, in Orchard and Vineyard, where we will help transform the tree streets, help to grow things, food, gardens, trees again and homes of love, ownership! What an honor to be part of this..WE NEED YOUR DONATIONS NOW TO TRANSFORM TREE STREETS INTO HOMES, TO BUY LOTS, TO CREATE MORE PLANTERS… we just got a 20,000 challenge grant to help transform the tree streets…any orchard st. alum out there..any people out there who can help…let us know..we need ou to help Green where wie will b uild..

Together, rooting out weeds, growing up people. Presidents, and prosperous leaders..with your help..God love you


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




FW: blog

The song goes..Ill take you there….Illl take you there if you ready! God will take you there..for sure! God will guide you, He will help you…this morning my Haitian friends at Leglise de Baptiste, call me, Jim we have a problem..can you help..God took me there, an honor to be able to be asked to help…at 1230 we go to talk about sharing the in love of God with Union Bapstist at Trinty St. Paul…a church where, there was a great need.

A great love of God..the congregation is problem no fire.only the love of the Fire of the Holy Spirit……or in Hebrew the Ruah!!!!  Build with us today….build with us, pray with us celebrate every second…..

Today we welcome St Marys from Canada, working with us, celebrating with us, loving us…joining us….helping us…..tomorrow they help save doors, windows, rugs, fixtures, from a house that will be deconstructed…amazing..and salvaged for our Restore…..our world is good..LET GOD TAKE YOU THERE TODAY, AND TAKE YOU WITH US..TO BUILD COMMUNITIES TOGETHER AGAIN…



Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




FW: blog

Every day is gift, for sure…we celebrate life, this Presidents Day….and celebrate Union Baptist Church praising God after their fire at the church a week ago..blessings to all who participated..the synagogues, the churches, the people all coming together, Muslim Buddhist, Christian jew to help them rise again..

Also my brother Dave Lyerly congrads on your being pastor for your first year anniversary.

Today we welcome 24 strong St Marys students from Nova Scotia Canada..amazing..they are helping working celebrating praying, making it all worthwhile to see the future of our country bright with college kids from all over, Beloit, Miami, BC, St. Josephs College Maine…and more..

All making it happen…changing the county, changing the country, changing the world…it is so important that youth realize they can participate, in real change..with habitat we have done this for years….and will continue!

We also salvage a house in Scarsdale, 5000 sw feet being knocked down that will be rebuilt..but everything from it we take..beautiful doors, windows, fixtures, rugs appliances, and more..salvaging, saving going green!!!!!

Vist our Restore in mt Vernon for great sales you will see at 2 Cortland street in mt Vernon

With that in mind, go change the world a little will you..God bless,


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Friday, February 18, 2011

FW: blog

A blessed Friday…at work early, grants, prayers,. Gratitude..thinking of victories, Lillian in Ossining in her home…Mrs. O in her home in Bedford with four kids…Ana and her kids graduating college in their home..and also the first mortgage burning coming up..along with that a pour of a foundation.and a meeting with the Mayor of Peekskill, brings me breathes of thanksgiving..of victories of home ownership and stabilizing communities….like the Tree streets..we need to be able to move ahead…and pray for Orchard and Vineyard st.  Oppososite our were broken where two teenage girls live..the mom when I ask her, states..says someone threw a rock at them… we will fix them…we will help the kids, we will help stabilize the neighborhoods… we will help them get into college..we will help them live in a great neighborhood..we have only just begun.. I am grateful for being agents of change…because of your help,…your prayers, your  hands and volunteerism..your donations….Pray for the Tree Streets..continue to transform them with us..


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Wednesday, February 16, 2011

FW: blog

We just prayed together, a congregation Union Baptist is burned down to the ground, Pastor Hudson and I and his family prayed of gratitude, no one died..the church can be rebuilt.. we will rehab the house next door..

For the congregation and food distribution…it will rise again..

We are blessed to have many congregations, churches, synagogues and more..

We have a great day, a foundation poured for a home…a near zero energy home..and blessings for all..

We have so much to be thankful..a meeting with Vinnie  Longo in White Plains a great commissioner..building, about our unfinished modular home going up.

For the Brown family and Johnson family the journey begins for their walls to rise!!!!! God bless to all..we have a great life, stay tuned….The Excitement is Building.!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Tuesday, February 08, 2011

FW: blog

The world as we know it.. we work we pray we celebrate..two people write, can you help us go to Haiti..another can I build today…others at our Volunteer orientation state,  we did this in

California, can we  come out as a family…..what a blessing, what an amazing have people want to help change the world..even this morning I get an email..i am on business, I have only two more countries to go, then I am building this weekend…awesome!  People more and more realize the gift of life, the best of life, is helping one another, building and helping the world be better all together.

Join us.. you already have by reading this blog….today and tonite, people live in substandard housing in one of the wealthiest counties in the world, join in helping in pride that we can change this situation and will…God bless you all…                 


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays,

Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our Feb Event.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Friday, February 04, 2011

FW: blog

You know I love the people on the bus…they come every morning in front of our store, come in to warm up…they are everyday green heros…that’s right..Public transportation is such green transportation, so important…saves our environment…our world…yesterday we have our Green Team meet..discussing beefing up our Green Trainings for the community in our new facilities, the placement of our solar panels, the green conference sponsored by Habitat, and also our work to look at neighborhoods, with a third “Green Eye”…how do we look at changing neighborhoods collectively, healthy wise, for all of our neighbors as well as our home owners…how do we design green interiors or make sure that even the flooring is green….how do we teach families about green habits…did you know that using cold water for your dishes in your dishwasher saves energy…

Or pulling out your plug from your cable television at nite, saving phantom energy…or wearing an extra sweater helps…so many simple tips as well as the bigger things like solar or wind uses…

A world to change, we are on the cusp of Green neighborhood revolutions….stay tuned..dont forget follow us on twitter at habitatwc  or habitatrestor.. we are looking for a green manager too


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays,

Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our Feb Event.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Thursday, February 03, 2011

FW: blog

Today Feb 3rd is the anniversary of founder Millard Fuller.. we remember him and ask for blessings for Linda, their children, the Fuller Center, Habitat for Humanity, and for our families.  I would go anywhere to hear Millard speak…he would inspire volunteers in Rye, in Bronxville, in Yonkers,in S. Central Los Angeles,  in El Salvador, in Washington with Presidents where we celebrated he and Lindas recognition by President Bush and President Carter…in Belfast, in Paterson NJ, in NYC and more….Habitat Hoye!!!! Which in an african loud voice he would yell…build more homes….On Feb 2nd he dropped a note to us..he wrote a note about Lanett Alabama and President and Rosalyn attending their anniversary with the Fullers.

We then are challenged to build more across this county.. a recommitment.  The snow the ice, wont stop us, the economy wont stop us. God will help us! Will challenge us and lead us! We are so grateful for his life, his familys life…I remember Mayor John Spencer, Mayor Delfino, Mayor Amicone, City Council President Chuck Lesnick..all being inspired by him,….let us inspire one another to help build more, build better, build louder and help all have a simple decent home to live in. May God bless all of you, we appreciate your donation to us in his honor to help build more…


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays,

Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our Feb Event.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!




Tuesday, February 01, 2011

FW: blog

We are so blessed in all we do, helping working, with a roof on our head, with a home, with helping one another..time to change that more, to reach out more, to care more..

Habitat attempts to do that every day, and we SUCCEED! Hearing from a family whose kid is in college, from people who say Thank you! The Neighborhood has changed, you cared,….makes all our work the best …there can be…helping one another….it all starts with prayer, we take this for ask God to bless us to bless our families and each other, our workers, our donors, our partners..and you..

Then we get busy…building, in winter, moving ahead…like our annual Superbowl Buildathon this Sunday..a good reason to get the snow and winter doldrums out and help build!!!!! A fun event, never a dull moment..and a great time to be had..everyone who helps is a Winner with Habitat…so join us!


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays,

Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our Feb Event.


Join us in this unique chance to win a Harley Davidson Bike!

Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

Contact me to get your ticket today!