Tuesday, February 22, 2011

FW: blog

Back in 1991 I helped plant a community garden on the Lower East Side.. E tenth and Avenue C. sometimes I would get chased by drugged out people, dealers would look suspicious, but once they knew who you were, you co existed..like weeds with good flowers…people and communities are sometimes like garden.  We took Frank Rivera, who later died of aids..Joe Raffa, the same..homeless people..program people, Williams Volunteers from the Alumni and st. Josephs college Maine volunteers and helped take a rubbled lot, next to a garden, and grow it  into a center of neighborhood action tot his day! Going green in our urban area,…on your rooftop, in your tree streets..which have no trees, is amazing…we had volunteers today on our tree streets, in Orchard and Vineyard, where we will help transform the tree streets, help to grow things, food, gardens, trees again and homes of love, ownership! What an honor to be part of this..WE NEED YOUR DONATIONS NOW TO TRANSFORM TREE STREETS INTO HOMES, TO BUY LOTS, TO CREATE MORE PLANTERS… we just got a 20,000 challenge grant to help transform the tree streets…any orchard st. alum out there..any people out there who can help…let us know..we need ou to help Green where wie will b uild..

Together, rooting out weeds, growing up people. Presidents, and prosperous leaders..with your help..God love you


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY


Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

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Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

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