Monday, March 21, 2011

FW: blog

Genette says hi to me on the bus this morning at the stop below..we helped her and her son, from getting evicted…from getting foreclosed..thru the maize of bank calls, of knowing whether the bank would give her a modification or not, whether they knew if they owned the paper or not..what a world..however it is a victory as I give her a tea this morning..

Things are good she says..

Genette gave up her car payment, gave up her extra things so she could save her home..and pay all the needs she needed, not what she wanted..her maintainance on her coop jumped immensely which caused her to have go to these changes…but the remorse and fear one could see in her heart was replaced by the joy of knowing she was safe in her home..


Along with that joy this morning I have the joy of seeing the youth from across the world..joining building a life, that helps us change the world for the better..we welcomed

The youth from Emporia State U. and also the youth from U. of Milwaukee Wisconsin.. a force to be reckoned with..

Our March Madness, our Sweet Sixteen, our final four is not a final four, but a great joy and recommendation for love and hope to change the world for the better..

A great day for sure.. we are blessed to have have you join us, to be with us, to share your joy and support and prayers with us, and us with you..


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101



Your donations would be greatly appreciated!

Purchase Harley Davidson Raffle Tickets for our April 10th raffle.


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Only 250 tickets will be printed at $100 each.

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