Thursday, May 05, 2011

FW: blog

The Solar do we speak about it, get empowered, look to pass it…The Solar Industry Development and Jobs Act of 2010 provides a needed blueprint for solar leadership.  Electricity will rise, we know that, oil prices yup, gas, thru the roof..why not pushing solar now..where are the environmentalists,..those who push for greener cities..this should be on the heart and minds of so many…our Green Lunch and learn series moves ahead, with support, with guests, with info on things like the Solar Act, insulation, making your home green, healthy paints, healthy floors..recycling and more…join us as you shop at our Mt Vernon Restore..

Today we receive our Green SIP roof panels..on our homes..very exciting..helping to make the roof air tite, for the Johnson they can save utilities for a long time to come so the money can go to a college food, to essentials..saving energy is the operative design word for our homes these days and was in the past since 1997.

Last nite I was blessed to sit with the St Josephs neighborhood association of Ashburton Avenue in YonkersAshburton Avenue is one where I have traveled for our three neighborhoods..i love Ashburthon Avenue..and it will be one of the prettiest neighborhoods in all of Westchester..stay tuned..

A new day is coming for the corridor, from the bottom up, with neighbors and volunteers working together…stay tuned.

May God bless you in all you do today..join us..donate to us..


Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street

New Rochelle, NY

Office: 914-636-8335x101


Happy Easter and Happy Pascua! 



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