Wednesday, November 14, 2012

FW: blog


Sandys wrath…a woman cries…she is hurting..she just cant bear to see the burned out homes..the pain of Breezys fires, and the hurricanes forces which have left her whole family homeless.

As I give a group of friends a tour..we them start to cry..too..i started for sure..

A hug to someone who comes to our Habitat disaster table…stops crying

Another woman distressed that she get help as quickly as she or we would like…when when when..

Lights not turned on, no electricity, an elderly man comes to look for towels, a coat, food…I will live by candles he says..

Music by the NYC food trucks..people working together to see so much..

We have hit the ground running, no question..tomorrow Jackie and her friends arrive from NJ, high schools, companies, colleges all want to help..

Trying to get americorp help with their disaster reach out..lets hope.

So many thoughts ….what amount of debris still is behind the area elderly disabled persons home..

Ch 13 of Pennsylvania does an interview with me…why is mold so dangerous, show me where…

The world wants to donate, but donate what we need, not just what you want to…..too many clothes right now..

We need your financial donation today…God bless you!

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