Monday, January 28, 2013

FW: blog

Yesterday at the Governors Committee on Utilities I proposed a National Disaster University where utility workers from across the country would attend a national certification program as well as others who could attend, knowing about how to handle disasters, learning on how to respond better, etc.  This was well received.

I see this being put in the Rockaways, helping the Rockaways having a university, increasing jobs and utilizing best practices. I will be presenting this in a number of forums.


My experience with New Orleans, the Mamoroneck Floods, Hurricane Irene and Sandy has helped me to come to this conclusion.  Its time we can respond and learn from each disaster collectively.


Today we build in White Plains and Mt Vernon. Our made in America Shop in Mt Vernon is moving ahead..doing great…we are ready to work on making things this weekend there, stay tuned.

We are also excited during this 25th anniversary we hope to blitz homes..

Today we also welcome Gorton High School Volunteering with us and Americorp.

We are so blessed with all of our volunteers.


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



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