Tuesday, July 16, 2013

FW: blog

Today we reflect on the earth being the Lords and all that is within it..according to the psalmist..

Real estate communities sometimes forget that…making it harder and harder for the average person to have a home with his or her family…with NY being the number one exited state..highest taxes and last in volunteerism..it is a concoction for disaster…..its time we make a louder voice on the need for long term affordable home ownership….that we design add ons for Seniors in towns and cities, that a granny flat can be established…we will help design a new concept on this ..stay tuned.

With that in mind we give thanks..our thousands of volunteers have been armies of hope..of hearts, of hammers and homes!

Every group that thinks about how vital their work is realizes they are part of the solution..life changing..ever company and congregation…

Along with that we pray…prayer and action is the key to our success…since early on in the founding days of southwest Georgia, to the roads in Zaire..and El Salvador…to Belfast, and Haiti..and here back home in NY>>

We continue stronger than ever..with your prayers, your sweat equity and your donation…with great gratitude..we have only just begun!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


"Like Us" on Habitat for Humanity of Westchester Facebook!



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