Wednesday, October 09, 2013

FW: blog

We are blessed in all we do..

No question..

We work we pray, we love we laugh we cry, we help in hurricanes, in bringing hope, in stopping foreclosures in neighborhoods, in NMU, in teaching people to build, in changing lives, families, volunteers, board members, donors, and CEO’s included..daily

With that in mind, I remember quite a bit is our 25th annnviersary, hfhi’s 30th..

Last nite I walked on E 6th st and avenue see…I walked by Mascot flats, where I helped build…where we walked on beams and could look straight down four floors, because they were all gone..where we reconstructed, removed debris with buckets, where we worked, laughed, held a street fair and dedication, board meetings…at E 6th street, and helped to make it a place where Wanda Colon and her kids could live…one of my heroes…

The lower east side is a different world now..there were drug dealers, homeless, many empty buildings and more…I lived right up the block in Stuyvesant town..and was happy to go to try to reach out to homeless in Tomkins sq park, to try to rehab homes, to try to create jobs…

Now it is viable, no drug dealers, better stores, trendy bars and restaurants…honored to be part of making HFHIs anniversary a reality on E 6th street, I have been with them from the beginning..Millard is there in spirit too. God bless you….


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


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