Tuesday, February 04, 2014

FW: blog

Yesterday was a day of days….many families from the fire on #470 Pelham Road were affected, came in…they had no home, no clothes, little help. We gave each family member a check..thanks to our friend Pat Lanza..we also gave clothes and items from our Restore, and also gave much guidance.  They system is broke, people think that when it says people are getting helped in the paper, it actually is happening..not always by any means.

My history with help goes deep into the fountainplace fires, 50 families displaced in new Rochelle, the Nodine Hill fire in Yonkers, where six died and 300 displaced, and also to the FEMA disaster of Mamoroneck, Hurricane Irene and Hurricane Sandy….extensive..

So I speak with some authority with my words.   We will create a disaster swat team for helping for assisting those in need in disaster,

With a gutting team of rehabbing homes, we can do this.

With immediate relief for those in need, we are there with our volunteers,

Its time..

We can do so much better in helping we must…

Stay tuned.. God bless you with your roof, with a safe day with health..from our homes and team of love to yours…                                             


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


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