=-7ake a prayer walk or run today or bike ride…pray for each other, our familes, ny our country. Two of my favorite places to walk and pray at NYC, SoNo New Rochelle, and Five Island Park.
At nite often I walk to the world trade center, and pray ..for the lives lost, for the hope of a better tomorrow, for a better ny. Today five island park, I walked to and around in NewRochelle, amazing…beautiful (see photos Instagram) rediscovering our local area, with gratitude is spiritual and I am blessed to have our HQ and center here. And also walking around our neighborhood in SoNoNew Rochelle is something so grateful to walk and pray and then work hard to help get families home! Pray and act..Faith in Action..its time!
Jim Killoran, Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 403-4821
Spring into action; the next 25 years!
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