Monday, July 14, 2014

FW: blog

Today I started super early in our gardens, new rochelle, mt Vernon, yonkers…checking out their quality, watering, and seeing how the day rises for people in different hoods..remember its good to be in the business owner stops..jim way to go…I get in Sundays early for paper work, didn’t know you did this, Frank runs a nursery, we give him business, part of our neighborhood efforts to support local, while going green and building green…there in Mt Vernon, we have rehabbed an old bank building into a chamber and habitat offices, planted more than 50 planters, created our restore, worked with local police and businesses to kick out drugs and trouble..and helped to create the Gateways Initiative..

While writing this blog…Katie calls, I live in rockaways, I want to help you for four weeks before I go to college..awesome!

We are still in Sandy relief..few people believe or know it or care..many still aren’t back in their homes yet…

We have community gardens we were just asked to start in breezy at our command center at Christ Community Church.

I have also proposed a National Disaster University be created back in the Rockways, on 108th st..stay tuned..the Governor heard my idea in the Moreland Commission hearings, but never invited me when he used the idea, 80 days agao, when he announced it with VP Biden…show the love here Gov….I proposed it Jan 24, 2013 on record at Suny Purchase before your commission.

Ok back to neighborhood development, cause and effect..taxes too high…

Development development development…if you want development, it should make the life of citizens easier right… in 25 years in NY owning, now once did my taxes go down, anywhere…the burden has gotten tougher, forty year tax breaks, making a few millionaires for those who got tax breaks, the average citizenry did not get any that bright leadership..or decision making..i think NY sees an exodus, with challenged affordable housing, and foreign investment jacking up real estate costs, while gentrifying, makes no sense to me….

So our mission continues. To fight for a long term intergenearational ny, one that will see us not burdened, that development will be from the bottom up…and that people can live for generations with home ownership and opportunity and jobs.  Stay tuned.

God bless, you, jjk


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Spring into action; the next 25 years!


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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years




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