Monday, January 12, 2015

FW: blog

It’s the anniversary of Haiti!

It s also a day when the court monitor is challenging Harrison to do the housing it needs to.

Funny, groups get selective depending upon their political bent..

I don’t care about politics, it’s the people….democrats and republicans both have a responsibility to speak up

On this issue, no question…but selectively only one or two get picked while others remain silence..silence is deafening..

That is what is a challenge in this county as we prepare for our Martin Luther King buildathon…

We commend David McKay Wilson on his helping to keep the light of the Jim Crow North as I call it going.

God celebrates diversity, if you don’t think so, then get ready when its time…

If you believe in any HolyBook..then its time to speak up to build and rebuild.

And the thing is we can do it..look it as positive where we can design anything..

Where beautiful condos coops in Harrison and other towns will be for workers, the average jim and jill

Juan and Maria, Tony and Fransesca…come on..lets go Westchester!!!!!!

Kembe Fem, we are now more commited than ever to help in Haiti….but also more commited than ever

To make a diverse community inWestchester of all colors, of all languages…its time!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

524 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 


Please give this Holiday season;



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