Monday, July 20, 2015

FW: blog

Its time to blog again.  We welcome Beacon Baptist church here again into our world from Michigan . They are travelling from all over to help us for  a week. Join us in praying and welcoming these mission  trippers, youth!

Just back from Con Edison employees volunteering on the hottest date of the year on our sites. What an honor.  On a day like today don’t take for granted ConEdison..they work hard, they keep air conditioners on, troubleshoot and more.  Thank you employees!

Last nite I walked and prayed in the city, remembering our warrior Dave Canot, who passed way the nite before last.  A construction man par excellence, he built with his heart, fun, acumen and great expertise.  We will misss you dave.  We all cried and though at a young age, like my dad, he passed in his sleep, we believe he is in heaven.  He came to us walking up mt vernon Avenue. 

What are you doing he asked…tom mazzolla our vietname veteran.  Helping habitat and veterans. He said can I help…he never left..Tom called me that morning.  a new guy joined us.amazing he said.  I spoke at noon at the rotary and said people walk off the street to join us.  Daves girlfriend Laura was at the meeting, never had met either, she said..that was my boyfriend…Dave said he got goosebumps every time I told the story..


With that in mind we lost a warrior who worked on Vets warrior homes, like Ivan who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We all cried yesterday together….we cry today..but we know Ivans home is stronger and our lives better because Dave was with us…miss ya brother, rip, pray for us, not lets get busy, a home for all..!


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821


Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 






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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!





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