Monday, February 01, 2016

FW: blog

Be part of the “Soulution” today..i think God gives us Soulutions everyday..its up to us to listen and act on them, to see every human you meet as part of them and to join in making the world better daily..

May sound funny, but that’s how we roll here in Habitat of Westchester  …all things intentional for our good, the goodLord does it for us, according to the song..we believe it.

If not Habitat ofWestchester should have been gone years affordable homes, yet we still build.

Hud Lawsuits, though we have built in Somers, Larchmont, Bedford Poundridge, without any monitor.

Few resources overshadowed by nycs constant attention, yet we have worked on 2000 homes from here to the rockaways and Peekskil

We need a solution in our life daily, starts with Nehemiah who said he would rebuild our Lord who knelt to pray in the garden, or mother Teresa who I met years ago in Newark, who would pray, orlike Millard and Linda Fuller founders of Habitat..then we need to act! The answers come every day but we need to act.

We need to pick up a hammer,we believe every youth of all ages, 10-100 should know how to build..

We believe that everyone is a philanthropist to donate one dollar or 1000 or yes 1 million dollars..

We are all put on earh to change the obscene situation that 75000 people are in shelters tonite within ten milles ofmy office..

That 2acre zoning continues to stop simple decent homes being built in towns like harrison…

That politics hides soulutions as we follow leaders with little action.

That faith in action needs to happen, be it Iona or Shiloh Baptist, or Temple Israel of Kol Ami.

We need to change things now..


With that in mind is Soultion Saturday! What are you waiting me 914 403 4821, or donate today God bless you


Jim Killoran, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801

(914) 403-4821



Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too. 



Join Habitat for Humanity of Westchester as they honor our Veterans who have served, and are serving. Habiat for Humanity of Westchester’s 3rd annual “Love a Veteran” celebration is this Sunday, January 31, 2016 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm  located at 659 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY  10801.


Donations are always appreciated: carepackages and valentine cards will be done at the event….food will be provided.






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Habitat for Humanity Westchester NY - 25 Years

Spring into action; the next 25 years!




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