Friday, June 10, 2016

FW: blog

What a day, kicking off more than 250 volunteers, we continue strong..

Never stopping, we have two companies and an eagle scout group volunteering today..

As I talk to one of the finance companies, someone asks, jim, you are right about the manufacturing needing to come help communities…the carpet mills used to be at the bottom of where we have contributed more than 2 million dollars of volunteer labor…build 15 new homes and fifteen community gardens, as well as helped to rehab 25 homes…

As I drive a way, two young gentlemen their 20s…we need jobs! I stop give them my card, ask them to pray for me to get capital to hire more people to help change lives and hoods together…and drive away,

Urban America, typical..everyone wants a shot, needs a job a home, a park a good hood..will you donate today…

God bless you, we change lives and hoods one day at a time…adding up to quality of life changes needed for all!


Jim Killoran

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