We are developers of neighborhoods again.l.. a great honor…we have worked in hoods, where there were murders and now there are none..
We have worked on changing the feel of an ugly neighborhood to that of what we call NMU No More Ugly! We help work closely with police departments and local businesses, stakeholders and city officials at times, faith communities, to engage a process of transformation..we look to rehab homes, drop beautification planters we make with youth and donate flowers, and we look to change traffic patterns if they are unacceptable for the safety of the community.
I write this after getting a call from police at 4am..Mr Killoran..your truck was hit at the store..i go right down, we look at the camera, and at 2am and seven seconds, a white Mercedes was racing with another car on Main St…Main St..not a highway. Thousands of people live here, thousands of people work here, small businesses, low income families of ethnicities and backgrounds…successful businesses, where two had cars go right through their front windows…the planters we put in front, now have saved businesses from cars going again into our windows and theirs again….
So now as I write this, at 622am, we sit and wait to get another report out to the insurance…our elbows have been hit, mirrors broken, seniors injured,
After we have generated 200,000 plus dollars of sales tax on main street, brought people from movie sets, veterans, soldiers, customers from all over the tri state area and country..had New Rochelle High school Art Pave program do a mural with kids to touch main street again.
Often, when people don’t care , and only focus on other areas of development…where high rises are scheduled..the small business community and others are forgotten and put aside, not protected, and degraded…
Cars have ruined neighborthoods, fractured legs, create unhealthy air quality, and helped to rip through usually low income residents and small business neighborhoods….with no green space…we fight for safety, we fight for traffic safety and less cars, we fight for the low income residents, no matter what language they speak…we continue….in NYC they call it #zerotolerance crashes not accidents..and more..
With that in mind…historic Main st in NewRochelle continues to be a highway, with no city workers there daily, speeding cars at all times of day and nite,
Crashes, injuries..its tme to change..stay tuned.
Jim Killoran, CEO
Habitat for Humanity of Westchester
659 Main Street, New Rochelle NY 10801
(914) 636-8335 ext. 101
Join our Martin Luther King Jr. Build-A-Thon January 10th thru January 16th! Sponsorships are available. Visit www.Habitatwc.org
Poverty, because it’s not just in third world Countries. It’s in our world too.
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