a world to change.. on this the Happy New Year for our Jewish Brothers and sisters..
and also to our muslim brothers and sisters, Ramadan...we celebrate all of you and our Christian faith and those with no faith..
today we have Credit Suisse out on our sites...working hard in Mamoroneck...yesterday we had our workers from Cadbury Schweppes out and also Nationwide......
a clarification...some news in the paper from a group that wants to takeover our land...and a business' land on purser place...we have offered to redo he playground there with green space, we painted the playground this summer with yonkers fire fighters..and we have done Brush with kindness projects on purser and hawthorne already...we are excited to help the neighborhood...and the school...sadly to say this group has targeted us personally in a big way, in a way that has been not publicly telling the offers that could be made without costing tax payers dollars...we look forwrad to working with the school...as i was on the phone with the principal yesterday and we will help paint another one of their playgrounds and help to make this the best neighborhood that can occur...I am proud of our board of directors and all of habitat for our hard work for four years on this project, and we look forward to working together with many people to make this a great place to live for the schoolchildren and for others...
God bless to all, I meet with starwood hotels today over their increased parntership with us..they are great..
with gratitude, Jim Killoran
1 comment:
Our children don't need paint - they need a proper playground.
1500 children, each year, for generations to come, would benefit from a proper playfield.
Why, why, why is HabHum of Westchester not considering the offer for a LARGER, piece of land, elsewhere?
Habitat for Humanity is a great cause, but your policy regarding Purser Park is WRONG. Depicting the plight of the parents as a personal attack on you, sir, is WRONG.
I am a parent of a pre-K student and I have donated both time and money to Habitat in the past, but will -unfortunately- not do so this year ... unless you change your pushing of this development.
I pray that you will show some true humanity and do not further disenfranchise your donors, your neighbors and the 1500 innocent kids that need a place to play inbetween classes.
It is not too late to change things for the better.
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