Monday, October 15, 2007

FW: blog


The nite before last a parent calls me, so gladyou are building the homes in our area...what a great gift to hear from many when they see habitat in a neighborhood ae excited.. from my first days in a Paterson NJ neighborhood, where drug dealers were not happy and then kicked out of an Eastside neighborhood, and neighbors and volunteers gathered every Sat and often sundays to sit on a porch..with families..neighborhoods get transformed in many ways...i have seen in in S. Central Los Angeles, Sonsonate El Salvador, El Florida, Tecate, Mexico; the Lower East Side of New York, e. 6th Street and avenue C....

North Chicago...Toronto, Glencairn Belfast Northen Ireland and many many more neighborhoods, ihave visited like W. Philly....What an honor to be part of the transformation of neighborhoods...Again the motivation is the love of the one God that protects, like the Psalmist says if you have God in your heart, and for habitat, a hammer in your hand...not as a weapon, but maybe a weapon of love.. an instrument of change, a tool of transformation...even in New Orleans...on Carrolton Avenue..and more...

instruments of love and change, can you be that in your work today, place of business, school, in your neighborhood for the I go in life, sometimes I feel that it is getting harder and harder for politcs to really work. to really effect change quickly...interests, self serving, PACS, over regulated legislative processes, create lengthy dialogues and diatribes of indifference gobblydigook and lack of transformation....There are many great politicians..dont get me wrong, but the processes created by those who live to legislate often slow up any good that can be done by admirable straightshooting politicians..let us pray for politicians today if we can...

That is why i love faith in action..Yesterday another Temple called me, can we come out and help ...soon, a company too, when when can we come, citibank,30 strong next week Sullivan and Cromwell 70 strong Sat. IBM legal 30 strong Friday and today Homeside Insurance all building.. and the list goe on and on..

Get your church, your neighborhood, your school, your company your firm, your family, yourself involved today with Transformation...and may the one God of all religions that loves us the same protect and guide your every step today...with gratitude, JJK

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