Monday, October 29, 2007

FW: blog


Unless the Lord build thehouse, they labour in vain that build it...psalm 126 states..

we often run around, scurrying, doing nothing really, but keeping busy.....we very rarely stop. and recognize that the house is made of walls but the home is made of we stop before we go anywhere in our day, relax, look at the birds, be grateful to God in our own thankful before we build the house to make it a home

Most Saturdays are sat of love for Habitat, because volunteers stop and build the house into a home with love, and volunteers and the Christian Jew or Muslim or no faith, it is a labor of love..a love of sweat and helping and changing a neighborhood.....this all works, and makes it happen for the best..makes thousands of homes, from the Jimmy Carter work camp this week in Los Angeles to Argentina where we have built anumber of homes with our tithe to El Salvador as well and Tajikistan and from Yonkers to Mamoroneck to Rye to Bedford...all have been with dont just build a house. build a home in your heart and then in your community....with the Lord...jjk

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