Monday, April 28, 2008

FW: blog



A great day yesterday with volunteers people helping, restore pickups..celebrating our work here in new Rochelle…also dialogue on our Sustainable Efforts of our communities continues with great question..thank God for all we have in Habitat for Humanity of Westchester….ourNew Rochelle homes look so great, our volunteers are doing wonders in our areas, and people like you are contributing.



This week is a huge week in terms of our 20tyh anniversary tour..May 1st we have our X20 event and May 8this our event at the Top of the Avalon…we need your help..we need your support.. no question…come out and join us..thanks to Martin Ball for his leadership and for Avalon for their support…so many assist us in so many ways…also if you church or synagogue wants to join us…please do, it is so important in all we do…..may God bles you with a great day…


Green thought for the day..

Check out Greenmaniacs web site if you can..

Simple and easy ways to green your workspace, shutting off computers, use a smaller monitor, labtops, save energy..

Provide paper recycling in your office….

Also allow for alterative hours like working longer but les days if people commute…consider caprppooling, taking public transit, biking walking or a mix of these things..

Also in your home, use higher insulation in your walls..



Jim Killoran

Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Westchester

The Excitement is still building...

  Celebrating 20 years in Westchester


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