Monday, April 21, 2008

FW: blog


sustainable earth day...april1 9th, what a beautiful day...

our trolley again was a great success. no question...God blessed so many inhelping and seeing how great our history is, as well as encouraging alternative forms of transportation, here in New Rochelle and the county..our volunteers as well were in Tarrytown, helping to plant..and cleanup here in new rochelle, as we continue to change mindsets and communities with the power of the way from a streetcar named Expires to a Streetcar named Inspires join us May 15th as we encourage all to walk or carpool or use public transportation, with a rally after school at memorial plaza...


it is everyones responsibility to help be blessed in our mission to recycle and to help save the earth, to help create sustainable communities that are real and long lasting, that are free from auto dependence and free to walk and bicycle..these efforts we commit to along with the ability for people to live where they work,NOW....

it is vital that this happens now, no question...


with that in mind, i leave for New Orleans briefly to setup my Bronxville High school heroes, from habitat who will help there, but will also help with families displaced who need to come return back to their houses, like Sharon Carew and also Erica McConduit...Stacy Addison is back there and we will finish her house as well as work on Ericas..the Road to Recovery has a name, its called the New Yorleans Express....from New York to New Orleans New Orleans to New York one team one dream...

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