how do we look at different things in life, how do we see things move ahead..each day is a journey in the right direction if we want it to be..same with communities..just keep in the right direction and even small steps of improvement can turn into large steps of success..and change lives and communities forever..
ABC Disney called again yesterday to me..hi we want to come out again and help you with seventy know we have four more homes in that neighborhood now, i retort with all are part of it, you will see dramatic question...
we have kicked out drug dealers, donated a refrigerator to a teachers room that had no for the faculty, painted the playground, and helped to change the quality of life there in a big way..what a great gift for us and for your volunteers..
small steps in the right direction..
Greem Moment: tomorrow i propose a meeting with changing the rooftop of a house with a Green roof, putting a green roof on top of the buildings...lets see what we can do...lets downtown new rochelle...Yesterday at a BID meeting I proposed totally increasing free public transportation for the pbulic, bringing more customers, less cars and fun ways of community...we have to go Green now now question.
Green Moment: Yesterday we also had our partners Evolution Markets make a big announcemnet, we are going to be of help to you....
more to follow, a four year commitment..great news~!
Sustainable Moment: knocking down buildings is not green but creates more use of energy and problems..
saving history is GREEN
and remember through it all you can STAND STAND RISE UP AND STAND..for our one God is good to us all, wants victories of Green and healthier communities so many decades from now we will all have changed the pendulum back in a direction not dependant upon oil, but upon healthier, home ownership alternatives...
Last we welcome Green Tree Energy Services here continuing with their audits..
God bless you all!!!! jjk
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