Wednesday, June 18, 2008

FW: blog


Today i go into the city to visit my friends at Centre Partners..after attending a historic preservation meeting yesterday..Bill and I go back many years, and he has supported our work in a variety of ways..companies like his come out and build and assist us and work with us in a big way to help us with financial assistance.

But Bill and my friendship comes first through our faith, as brothers who believe in the one God we believe in...all of us no matter what faith, and that faith calls us to thank you Bill for being a brother so much...


In terms of activities we are bustling with our armory move..and many of you are coming in to support us..thank you...along with that, the road is busy with campers, builders, and also people who are volunteering young and old.

I also spoke to Ron Walker our Hopes representative who will have our retiree dinner on the 9th of July, called HOPES where retirees get together and work to help assist each other in making great things happen, like volunteering here with habitat, from building to the restore, they are the heart and brains of habitat, and workers.. so thank you so much for all you s to a blessed  day..jjk


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