how do we move ahead in our world..excitingly with participation, hope and optimism..
yesterday.. i had the opportunity to attend a set of neighborhood meetings, where the number one topic was how few people particpated like days of old...that there was a need to get more people involved in our participation was good to know that many are focusing on getting more people out participating in the future..get involved in your neighborhood..with people driving less, with Examine me oh Lord and prove me, try my reins in my hearts, the psalmist says...we are called to participate in this great country, taught to in a number of a record year of voters being registerered we need to see participatory government and neighborhood associations...too many meetings have been held in secret without process...more to follow..
Yesterday i had three guests come in..i woke up stating we need to tithe to a third world country, part of what we are required to do as affiliates....we have contributed to India, Tajikistan, El Salvador, New Orleans, and Jamaica in honor of Nick one of our students volunteering on the A Team this summer...and after that my three guests came in who said, we want tohelp you, and continued to support us in a huge help us get our new Construction school and Restore off the ground...a great thing.. God is good to us every day every minute every second and when we give collectively or individually God always blesses it...and as we build on homes today, on our homes, and help others in so many ways..please consider helping us today with a donation .........with great gratitude. jjk
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