Monday, July 07, 2008

FW: blog


a great day, beautiful, successful, blessed..every day is a blessinug, no question, we work hard, we see people so many who say thank you, or donate to us..

like your selves...


a family walks in can we help, i just retired as a lawyer and want my two daughters to help.

the public health commissioner, a good person, visits our Restore on his lunch stroll through New Rochelle and our offices...we both believe if people started from a good home we would be able to have less health problems for familes no question..


along with that we would be able to help to redo communities, revitalize, and help to make the communities of all economic backgrounds safe and better educated...with less health problems..


tonite we go to Rye, to help come up with a strategic plan to help finish adelines house, long overdue, but the floods of mamoroneck side tracked and with our local model, the need for the community of Rye to step up is vital...each communtiy should chip in to help..that is vitally important...


each day is gift, thank you for all you do, in a time when all we hear is about Obama, or McCain, or Nader, we are out there building, painting, trying to finish homes...1 billion dollars in election many homes could we build with that, how many communities could we change, how many kids could we many seniors homes could we finish...God bless you all, the reall change is in you and I and on the ground, working and helping...peace, jjk

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